Bar Closed at Half Time

So you know the stats of programmes purchased on a normal League game:

We have 100.
We give 7 to our first team and 7 to the opponents.
We give 3 to the officials.
We give 10 to the Boardroom (League requirement)
I send 1 to the League.
We keep 2 in the office for referral.

We have 77 to sell if there is no sponsor. Obviously each guest of the sponsor gets a programme so let’s say we have 70 to sell at 1.50 = 105.00.
We pay Transport Print 130.00 for the 100.

The advertisers have paid a one-off fee at the start of the season so that money should be included as revenue over the season but match by match, now, we have to find about 25.00 to pay the programmes’ supplier


All interesting stuff isn’t it - it’s good that others are taking an interest in these sort of things.

Very interesting reading Graham, I find it amazing that we are only charging ?1.50 per programme when it is costing us ?1.30 to print, makes no buisness sense to me at all to know that if you sell all the 70 odd copies you will still make a loss surely we need to charge enough to break even at least? Will people still buy it at ?2 a go? I think yes because if people understood that it was the minimum we can charge without losing money they would understand.

Another suggestion from me to all witton supporters (and players) I tend to read my programme before the game if I get there in time or at halftime I will be happy to return mine to the lads for resale I know some people like to keep them but I’m sure most people only ending putting them in the recycle bin when you get home.

just a thought

It is good that people are actually taking an interest in things that can often seem so trivial. I think it is an example of the buzz that has been generated around the place this season. People are no longer just saying ‘the club needs to invest more money in the team’, they are now going out and raising that money, they are raising awareness of the club, and the fact that people are now looking at ways to help us break even on program sales again shows how committed so many people are this season.

It does seem trivial to be talking about programme sales but on Grahams figures we are losing over ?500 a season on the programme just based on league games that has got be stopped. I agree that it is great to see more people taking an active interest, and hopefully we will finally see the attendance figures carrying on the upward trend. Another thought, (having loads of them tonight) both Graham and Mark have be good enough to come on line and give very detailed replies to questions asked (?600 beer sales at half time would have taken some doing) thanks for that and long may it continue just goes to show we are all trying to pull in the same direction

Yes, absolutely. It’s positive that we’re having this discussion and that the club and officials are prepared to share what might be considered quite sensitive info.
I think the idea about programme recycling (even if it’s bringing them into the club shop at a following game) is an excellent one, especially for those of us who do save them but never seem to get one :slight_smile:
On a constructive note, I might be able to find a more cost effective (but still flexible) print option if the club are interested. Similarly I’m more than happy to get off my backside and contribute some stuff for the programme.

The bar was more than open at half time, and the whole second half. I can vouch for that!