Coach to Ilkeston

There will be a supporters coach going to Ilkeston on 22.09.07 (week on Saturday). The coach will be leaving the Memorial Hall at 11:30 and will cost £10.

Any money we make on the day will go straight into the players fund so please support us by booking your seat! It would be really good to fill the coach, the players really value your support.

Either reply here, or see myself, Robbo, or Si Rabbit on Saturday.


Phil Carter 4 places
Charlie Lynes
Nigel Riding

Think I best book my place quick!

one for us as well maybe one more not sure yet will let you know

Yes, the West Bromwich Albion Supporters Club require one seat please + one for Pooley, who spoke this morning about the trip

Me and King Bulmer require places - the Mrs are away at some health spa/drinking session (delete as applicable)


Jolly boys outing then?! :smiley:
It’s payday weekend for me so bring it on!

15 names down so far, keep them coming!

Anybody else?

2 please Greg(if there’s still places left?) - Pete & Mark Lyon.


FOUR spaces still to fill for the Supporters coach to Ilkeston on Saturday.

Supporting the coaches enables more money to be paid into Jim Vince’s player fund, so if you are planning on travelling to the game on Saturday then why not dive on the coach with the rest of us!

Leaving at 11.30am from the Memorial Hall.

ps - Mark and Pete are booked on. Cheers guys.

Pooley can’t make it now, Ive got him working overtime, the things people do for money!

That’s FIVE spaces then!

We may just bill Big Stu for 2 though…

Greg did Steve the drunken steward book 2 seats with you on tuesday. If not can i now.
Thanks John

Looks like we’re down to 3 spaces! you’re on!

Back to 4 spaces again now people!
If anyone out there is considering driving, think again and jump on the supporters bus!

We need to leave one space free for the 3 points we’re bringin home with us… :smiley:

deffo two seats for me and tim g

I don’t think we had Tim booked on, so down to 2 places left to fill now. Much better!
