Guess the results 25.09.07

1 Correct: Dave Nield; Wheels; Rosie; Thomas (hope he does better at Uni!!)

2 Correct: Tracey Collins; Callum Shelmerdine (AFC); Pete Riley; Chad Snr; Alan Potts; Ian Langford; Robbo; Len Holman; Phil Chesworth.

3 Correct: Jum Powell; Ian Watson; Rabbit; Dawn Wood; Shaun Carter; Greg.

4 Correct: Neil; Ronnie B; M Taylor (AFC); Fred Spruce; Baggie; Helicopter Dave; Daniel Stuart; Dave C.

5 Correct: Natasha Bell; Drew; Danny Oldham.

6 Correct: Big Stu; Emma.

7 Correct & THE WINNER: Jeff Powell.

Jeff wins £33.

Well at least confirms my Mrs knows nothing about football! However, Lisa second on Saturday and Emma second on Tuesday, setting a bit of a challenge here boys!!! I might have to have 5 goes on Saturday to restore the balance!!!