Leek Predictions

Apologies for all the PP games on today’s sheets due to FA Cup replays, Eli had prepared them in advance due to his holiday. With only six valid fixtures there was 4 home & two away wins and the results were as follows

0 - Simon Gregory & Chad

1 - Mark Holland, Len Holman, Judith & Reg, Gazza, Dave Nield, Amy Powell, Mrs P A Spruce, Andy Chad, E W Fryer, Drew Haspell, Bulmer, Denis Conneely, Pete Riley, Baggie, Jeff Powell & Paul Settle.

2 - Matt Poole, Jim Powell, T Collins, Ann Marie Powell, Neil, John Atherton, Crouchy, Pete Wilding, Peter, Geoff P, Chris Sage & Terry Holland

3 - M Carlon, Tim Atherton, Mark Lyon, G Pick, Greg, Mr Chairman, P Carter, Ched & Co & Tony Waterman.

4 - Charlie Lynes & Shaun Carter

5 and the winner - Alan Potts

Well done to Alan, £42 is yours!

Many thanks as always to everyone who took part and to Jim & Ann Marie for collecting.

Well done Pottsy lad, single malts all round!

Lomas will be stood behind you at the bar quicker than you can say ‘Greece’!
