Local Players!

At the start of the season there was a lot of discussion about the need to recruit local players into the team. It’s been interesting to see that many of these (with the notable exception of Ben) have not been able to hold a place in team and some have now left.

Are people bothered about where players come from when the club is second in the league or should this still be a long term objective for us?


Good post Rabbit! I think yes it is always good to see local talent in the team and it is great to see Ben doing well.
At the forum when Oggie and the mangement team were intoduced it was stressed that the rebuilding of the club structure would take time. I feel that local talent will be developed through the work going on at the acadamy and reserves but it is still early days and this may take a while to achieve.

I think the difference is that at least young local lads have been given an opportunity. That has to at least encourage these players that there is a chance of breaking through if they apply themselves.

Ben is proving an example to anybody who is prepared to knuckle down and work at their game.

Ryan Broadhead was given a chance, but ultimately chose not to take it. Adam Foy has also been given another chance, but has chosen to go to Newcastle - which im sure will be a good move for him.

THe main thing is to produce a winning team. You can then gradually bring young players through as we progress. Evolution not revolution, as they say…