Non-League Football Grouns of Liverp'l & M'cheste

Info from the Unibond League:

An absolutely fabulous book has been produced by Cheshire based photographer Terry Gorman titled “Non-League Football Grounds of Liverpool & Manchester”.

The book is simply “what it says on the tin” consisting of 250 photographs of Non-League Grounds throughout the Liverpool and Manchester area covering all levels of non-league football. Alongside each photograph the section has excellent editorial on the history and location of the ground.

Most of the photographs are Terry’s own work but some have been submitted for publication by the clubs and will bound to bring back memories for the seasoned campaigners who have been around our level of the game for a good number of years.

In addition to the current grounds, a section titled “Gone but Not Forgotten” shows several grounds that were well established venues on the non-league fixture lists around the area. Horwich RMI’s Grundy Hill, South Liverpool’s Holly Park, Prestwich Heyes Grimshaws are just a few in this fascinating section.

Originally Terry was planning to publish a book which was to cover the whole of Lancashire but soon realised that there were so many grounds deserving inclusion that to split into two volumes was a better idea. Terry is now hard at work preparing what will certainly be, for readers of the first volume, a “cannot wait for” publication.

The book has a cover price of £14.50 and has been described by someone who has read the book “A quirky but absolutely fascinating review of some really interesting places!”

As an offer to visitors to the Official UniBond League website by just mentioning our name Terry will not charge for any postage or packing when ordered direct from him at :-

Mr Terry Gorman

The Court House

Court Lane





:unsure: Is this the same book that Mike Floate (“Football Grounds Frenzy” ) has had some involvement with?