Non league Paper Today.

Not sure if anyone has seen the non league paper today, I haven’t but I’ve picked up on an item through Facebook’s Northern Premier League Page. Haven’t seen the full details but apparently, the FA are looking to cut the FA Trophy Prize Fund.

The F.A, well known not to be fit for purpose, are now trying to shaft the lower leagues (if that is true), what an absolute and utter disgrace!! :red :red :red

Yes Derek,Greg Dyke proposes to recruit 35 new coach educators to work at grass roots level.This will cost about 2.7 million pounds.Also add that to Sky Sports increased football coverage for next season and it becomes increasingly harder to get people through the gates at our level.We are becoming a country of arm chair football fans.

I don’t believe what they say on Sky Sports about the Premier League been the best in the world,give me a La Liga match any day of the week.