Close again tonight
1 Alan Potts,Ami Powell.
3 Fred Spruce,Mark Harris,Dave Nield,Drew Haspell,Annmarie Powell,
Pete Riley.
4 Jeff Powell,Rosie Westland,Greg,Jim Powell,Stuart Newman.
5 T Collins,Mark Lyon.
6 Si Westland,Pete & Geoff,Len Holman,Bulmer.
7 P A Spruce (38goals),Eli Gorton (35goals) but the JOINT WINNERS
JEFF METCALF ( 29 goals ) and BAGGIE ( 33 goals ) Actual 31
Well done chaps £23 between you both - I will not reveal which one
of them predicted V*cs to beat Witton:blush:
Thanks to John Powell for collecting and to everyone who took part.