Predictions Worksop 18th Oct

Better late than never

1 Amy Powell,

3 P.Carter,The 2 Liz’s,Rosie Westland,Jim( The Traitor ) Powell

4 Jeff Metcalf,Greg.

5 Fred Spruce,Dave Nield,Pete Wilding,Andy Lomas,RS65,

6 Tim Atherton,Alan Potts,Chad,Paul Settle,Tony Waterman,G.Pick

7 Terry Holland,Amy Powell,Pete Riley,Geoff&Pete,Crouchy.

8 Bulmer(32),Big Stu(30),Mark Holland(29) but the Joint winners

   both with 8 predictions and 35 goals ( actual 40 ) are

   CHED & Co   and LEN HOLMAN

   Both receive £14.50 each

   Well done and thanks to all who take part.