Hi all,
Just a quick note to (Re-) introduce the purpose of the Development Fund and what its aims and objectives are.
Basically the WPDF was set up about 6 years ago principally as a vehicle in which supporters could support and provide additional funds to those at the disposal of the Football Club to help augmetn the playing budget.
In those years we have had good times and bad times but throughout it all the Development Fund has been a constant provider of financial support to the board and management of the time.
The reason for the post is having read on various media outlets that people wish to support Brian, Mark and the Football Club financially, there is a constant need and vehicle for you to do that in the guise of the Development Fund.
How can you help/get involved - simple ASK and contact me, Neil, Jim Powell, Lenny or via Robbo in the club shop.
Currently all monies raised from various means, the Andy Lomas ran tea huts, Jim Powells predictions, Lenny’s 200 Club, the away coaches and functions that are being run by the DEvelopment Fund go to augment the playing budget as well as some other projects that help raise the profile of YOUR football club.
We also have a number of people who donate and have donated every month by standing order, support is needed just as much in lean times as in good times.
The band of people doing the graft isn’t very big and as we have done every year we need your help and support to continue doing what we do, so if you can continue to support the activities that are in place currently and more importantly if you fancy arranging something yourself then you’ll get the utmost support.
Finally thanks to everyone who’s supported us and by definition the Football Club, over the last few years, and please continue to do so or get involved!