Witton Albion vs Altrincham (PSF ).


Latest Score from The NetDec Stadium:

Witton Albion 0 Altrincham 5.

Robins striker Danny Hattersley gets the fifth on 81 minutes.

Chance for Witton on 85 minutes - Altrincham 's keeper saves Tolani Omotola 's shot.

Chance for Witton on 90 minutes - Paul Williams shot goes wide.

Full Time Score from The NetDec Stadium:

Witton Albion 0 Altrincham 5.

Not the best game to watch tonight. Obviously Carl is getting very close to what his starting line-up is going to be in 12 days time, and as such he fielded a team of mainly “hopefuls” to give them a chance to impress.

Have to admit to being rather surprised by the starting line-up, tonight was probably our toughest test in Pre Season and thought Carl may have fielded as near to his strongest side as he could. We did use most of them during the latter stages but obviously by that time the game had long gone. It does concern me that we only have one more chance now before the season starts to field our strongest eleven but is one game enough for them together.

[quote=“Thatched tavern” post=65531]Not the best game to watch tonight. Obviously Carl is getting very close to what his starting line-up is going to be in 12 days time, and as such he fielded a team of mainly “hopefuls” to give them a chance to impress.[/quote]And they certainly failed to do that. Pointless exercise tonight in my opinion but the pitch is certainly looking good. Well done to the volunteers an absolute credit to you all.

I don’t think it was a hopeless exercise as Carl needed to make sure that he gave playing time to all the players before making final decisions, but from a speccie point of view it meant we weren’t seeing our best team. Given that Alty start their league programme next week, they are much closer to the finished article and in that scenrio the result was fairly predictable. I would expect to see a much stronger team on Saturday

Not full of confidence for the season,can see dark clouds gathering.Hopefully i,m wrong.

we had 2 players on who played Saturday in the starting line up .carl has to look at other player to see whats is about and if any are better than what we have. .we played well against ashton on Saturday and have a good squad but need to look at what else is on offer…before he make his final choices of who he adds to the squad. we need to be positive as we are still trying to attract player and don’t want players we are after seeing negative coments . I believe we have a good squad but everybody is entitle to have there say UTA

It was obvious that several players were not up to the standard we need but I was massively impressed by our keeper and by our left back who was full of energy and totally committed. Personally I would consider playing him in the centre of midfield in front of the back four as he is the nearest I have seen to a Nobby Stiles or Billy Bremner in non-league football. He may be small but he tackled like a terrier.

The only thing I would say is why start with a virtual second 11-it was too weak IMO and could have been mixed up a bit more equally first and second half, but I also agree that we have good squad now to put out a decent first 11 that should be in the top quarter if not challenging its hard to say until we know the opposition, still room for 2-3 quality signings and Carl has shown he can do that during the season so lets be a bit more positive. UTA

Firstly one of the reasons for the re shuffle was Stamford and Kidsgrove officials were at last nights game , secondly I believe no matter who was the opposition last night I believe Carl was always going to have a last look at a few of then trial players . Overall some showed well . There first 2 goals played to there strength in height , apart from that first half we showed some good touches and a better choice of ball we could have been neck and neck At least this season most players look comfortable on the ball and look as though they want it . It is what it is , I’m confident the best 11 available will do a good job on the evidence of Saturdays performance.

The main plus I got from last night was the commitment from the players, even the ones who were quite obviously a little out of their depth. I still say we should play our left back in front of the back four where his terrier like tackling would really put the bite on opposition teams. (Did you see what I did there? “Terrier” “Bite”, clever hey?) Time we started smiling again and I think we will this season.

That was a crap attempt at a joke mate.

Not surprising really as I am well known for being a moaning miserable old beggar!! How about “It may be the early bird that catches the worm but it is the second mouse that gets the cheese”!!

shocked with the praise of the leftback - thought he stuck out like a sore thumb and the Alty players took full advantage of him.
There was no strength behind him and was out muscled often, the tackles he did make was the odd throwing a foot at it and i thought he even looked shocked he made contact, he did have the pace behind him will give him that and if we need to get up the wing quick he would add that to the squad.
However number 8 looked very helpful, shame he isn’t a center back missing a stocky lad at the back that can take some hassle.

No goals came from the Alty left and I did not see what you saw Robbo, what I saw was a committed, quick young player.

if it was from our left back it would of been from the alty right

Oh come on! You knew,what I meant! Still think he is a really tenacious footballer who will do well for us.