Witton Albion vs Farsley Celtic

I couldn’t help noticing that 206 watched the “Dog and Duck” team playing in a lower league and in Winsford tonight.
(and they dont count their season ticket holders who are not in attendance)

180 dear

A good performance and a deserved win. We made chances throughout the game and the scoreline could have been a bit more emphatic if it hadn’t been for some dubious decisions by the officials. That said, 3 good points against a strong, competitive Farsley team.


Thats a good win for the lads, Farsley are a tricky team and we needed our revenge lets have a strong end to the season now and finish as high as we can. UTA

[quote=“ME” post=63875]180 dear[/quote]Good to see you are still following the Albs :clap :clap :clap

Im not suprised the attendance was low last night, usually we have either a play off spot to fight for or survival at the wrong end of the table yet now we are safe from relegation and too far from a play off position theres very little to excite the supporters.

Once Carl has got his squad for next season im sure we will have a more exciting finish in 12 months time but until then we have to be thankful Dundass isnt still here or we would be fighting to stay up!!


What a piss poor attendance tonight, especially considering there was no football on TV tonight.

There is no way we can keep our current better playing staff on such attendances. No doubt we will be hearing about some of our better players leaving the club in the near future to balance the books.

I hope that the moaners who frequently post on here understand that we can no longer keep our better players on such dismal attendance figures!

dont know what gives you the right THATCH to moan about crowds and people not going to games.i’ve been about 20 games in the last 3 years but after hardly missing a game from about 86 to 99 i’ll always class myself as a true wittoner.peoples lives change but if the current hardcore fans want to spent a lot of their earnings on witton then fair play to them but for me money does’nt grow on trees and witton albion fc is’nt the be all and end all of my life.i turn up to games to see mates and have a laugh and if we win it’s a bonus.

Never mind the players I’ll be surprised if Carl is with us next season. Won’t be disappointed if he isn’t I must admit but he is better than some managers out there

[color=#4400bb][size=4]I wasn’t moaning, I was just stating facts.

On these type of attendances, we have no other option but to cut the wages bill accordingly. This will mean that some of our better players will have to leave. It is not if this happens, it is when it happens. I am just saying that I don’t want the fans who have stayed away moaning about it when it happens.

Take it from me, it is going to have to happen![/size][/color]

To be fair this goes a lot deeper than attendances. Very easy to blame fans but if people looked a bit deeper they may see this is down to bad decisions by the current board

the gates are crap cos the footballs been poor now for nearly 3 years and as was just stated the boards decisions have been dire.our town is surrounded by rural villages who have a lot of cash so maybe the board should be looking for investors instead of blaming the fans and bleeding them dry.

Despite being in no mans land in the league (and have been most of the season) we still have the fifth highest average attendance in said league…

Completely true the performances on the pitch reflect the attendances at any level of football, and I don’t have access to club finances as Thatch does but not sure the forum is the best place to announce the club is skint? And maybe if the club should be looking at bringing the stay away fans back rather than slagging them off? Just my opinion.

Or previous boards going back over the years of course…
Spending all the Sainsbury money
Similarly with the Wembley money
sacking Nigel Gleghorn
Releasing instead of selling Geoff Horsefield with a sell on clause
Appointing (fill in one from a few) such and such as Manager

Thing is our boards have never maliciously made decisions to the detriment or harm of the club unlike some at other clubs
It isn’t easy and hindsight is a wonderful thing, in hindsight.

Im not so sure some past chairman had the club at heart only egos and their pockets sadly !!!

So why are clubs flying on far less than we have? Point in question Curzon. You can blame managers, you can blame attendances but when it comes down to it buck stops with board.

Why sign a 3 year deal with Vics then seemingly base budget on it while chasing no sponsorship or commercial deals? What happens now that has gone sour? What’s plan B. Seemingly plan B seems to be blame to fans.

Just One club flying then ? we have continued to chase commercial deals and sponsorship signing several deals including a top one with Net Dec, and why end the the tenancy deal ? well time will probably tell you why ! Its far too easy to shout down the club without knowing the facts yes the board have made mistakes and yes the buck does stop with them but they put themselves on the line to help the club putting money and time into the club, its needs more of the same from more people.