11 a side game against Runcorn

This Sunday at 11:00, probably in Frodsham, all welcome.

Please can everybody let me know what their availability is.


Yup - i can play. Grass or Astro? And where in Frodsham?

It will be on grass, location TBC

count me in ;D

Nice one Javier.

Chaps - is there not a sixes league game on Sunday afternoon this week?

I think the 11-a-side match is a really good idea and it would be great to get a full 11s team together - not least as Greg is working to set up a Witton XI v Vics XI game at Christmas.

My concern would be can the same group of lads play a 90 minute (just for fun friendly) at 11am on Sunday morning and then turn out and play 6s in the afternoon in the league. It does not sound ideal preparation and my point of view is that the league is already committed to. If the 11s was on Saturday morning (as we are at home this week) then it would not be so bad!

I just think the 6s has to take a priority and be the main focus.

Better communication is required in future, I have worked hard with Daz from Runcorn having asked everyone what they thought about the game and the timing etc, and have sorted everything out. Runcorn are obviously going to be annoyed that the game is now called of 4 days in advance. Luckily I didn’t have to pay for the pitch.

If people don’t think something is a good idea then it is a good idea to mention it at the beginning rather than back out 3 weeks down the line.

I for one won’t be arranging things again.

I only saw this post for the first time yesterday Greenie so had not realised in posting that this had been planned for 3 weeks - this was the first I knew of it.

I think the 11-a-side game is a good idea, not questioning that in the slightest - what I was questioning is whether or not 90 minutes of football a couple of hours prior to a scheduled league game was a good idea???

I would agree that if these things are to be arranged better communication is required in the future.

To clarify; Greenie mentioned this to me a few weeks ago so i said ‘see what you can come up with’. He came back to me saying he could only get a pitch in Frodsham, so i said this wasn’t ideal. Last week he asked me if he should just book the pitch at Frodsham, to which i replied that we had hit a poor run of form and i would prefer it if we concentrated on the league games until we could arrange something in Northwich that would do the game justice. Greenie agreed with me on this, and i thought the whole thing had been put to bed.
On Saturday night on the way home a couple of people asked me why i wasn’t letting Greenie arrange the 11s game anymore - an agreement i thought we had reached togther. i therefore said, ‘ok go and arrange it, but i personally do not think it is a good idea and therefore wont be involved’. At the end of the day, there are 2 points to play for on Sunday afternoon, and most of us struggle to complete 26 minutes let alone 90!!

I suggested Greenie speak to people last night to see if there was even enough interest to run with it. Obviously there isn’t.

I think it’s harsh to accuse people of backing out at the last minute, being as nothing offical was ever arranged in the first place - as indicated by the ‘probably at Frodsham’ line in the initial post.

I don’t think that this is a reason for us to not try again in the new year, i just think trying to organise something inside of 6 days was a little ambitious - especially when we are only just getting 9 players on a Sunday afternoon.

I think in future interest and availability need to be established before committing to anything.

In the meantime, let’s concentrate on getting 2 points on Sunday afternoon. Now; i’m off to write my program notes for the Sunday’s league game…

I think there is interest in an 11s team and as stated there is absolutely nothing wrong with the idea whatsoever - there is also no exclusivity as to who should bring ideas to the table. That is one of the benefits of being in a team, ideas should be put forward and actions decided.

By the same token decisions have to be made regards what works and doesn’t work in relation to the current commitments. If you enter a league (as with the 6s) then that is the primary focus, there is no point in half way through going in a different direction. Even if the 11s game is just for fun it needs to be planned in so that it does not compromise the availability and fitness of players for the league game.

By the same token Robbo it is daft to say to Greenie "ok go and arrange it" for it then not to happen, irrespective of whether you thought it was a good or bad idea. It would have been better to say "don’t arrange it for Sunday morning" which is a much clearer message. Otherwise everyone gets p**** off and it starts a process of negativity again.

Perhaps the 11s game can be rescheduled (with an apology to the Runcorn lads) for a Saturday morning when we are at home, post-match refreshments for both sides in the club at the ground afterwards!!!

This is a good idea badly acted on and that my friends is about management and communication.

My thoughts were that if the lads were that desperate to play in it, then i didn’t want to do anything that would prevent it from happening. I don’t feel i have any right to turn around and say ‘it’s not happening’. Greenie seemed confident enough that he could arrange it, so rather than disappoint the lads i thought i’d be best standing aside and letting it happen.

With hindsight, we should of stuck to the original agreement which i thought i had with Greenie, and just cancelled it last week.

hi everyone

i am daz runcorn linnets suppuorters manager , do we have game on sunday as try to get intouch with tom fews not got back to me , if u have problems with a pitch i can sort it out at are place as only extar couple miles from frodsham can some let me wots happening as i wanna where i stand

cheer daz

p.s should be good game , plus gives you a chance to speak to me about the league we are in which northern football supporters league , heres the website www.nfsl.co.uk

Hi Daz,

I’m Robbo, Witton Supporters manager.

Unfortunately we wont be able to play on Sunday morning as we have a league game in the afternoon and will therefore be struggling for players.

I’ll ask Tom for your number and we’ll try to arrange something in the new year if that’s ok with you?


thats sound mate no worries i will personal message you me number mate , thansk for letting me know gives me couples days now to try and sort another friendly out with another team.

we are doing a fans cheshire senior cup in the summer with us (runcorn) n northwich and hyde and saltybridge and maybe chester macclesfield and stockport , if you wanna enter

anyways heres my msn addy chiphazard1982@hotmail.co.uk

hi Robbo

do you have date for are friendly yet
