1874 what standard of football ?

See that ex Witton stalwart Pritch was thwarted when the game in his NWCL premier league game was pp due to the pitch not being marked out at Litherland. Surely coats would suffice at that level. I know a lot of 1874 are anoraks.:kiss:

When are you (& the wife) coming to see us ?, you know you will be very welcome. U.T.A.

Agree it would be great to see you back ! and of course the standard referred to is Dog & Duck standard UTA

I desperately miss WAFC, however Sharon was so hurt how she was treated by some people at the club s,he will never return , I will hopefully sometime come back I visit this forum every day for the last 3 years and always hope four an Albion win

I mean for an Albion. Win not four every time !