200 Club 2006/2007

The forms are now out for this seasons 200 Club Draw, Please contact myself, Andy Lomas,Andy Chadwick or Jim Powell to enter<br><br>[center]Witton Albion Football Club<br>Season 2006/2007 <br>200 Club [/center]<br>We are running the 200 club again this season, It will cost you a one off payment of ?10, which will cover you for 10 monthly draws of 3 prizes per draw, the amount to be paid out will depend on the monies paid in before we make the first draw. All profits from this will be paid straight into Jim Vince?s Witton Albion players fund<br>Please complete the form below and hand it to Len Holman, Andy Lomas or Neil Wilson along with your ?10,Any cheques to be made payable to ?James Vince?You will later be given a Membership card with your draw number Name:<br>Address: _______________________________ _______________________________ <br>Tel No:_________________________

Len,<br><br>Please include me in the draw, will see you at a pre season game.

Thanks Rob, You are the first of many (I hope) to answer on this site.<br>We really need you and a lot more supporters to help us raise as much as possible to enable Jim to give us what we deserve, which is a great season(Long overdue) [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=banane.gif]

Len, please add the four Otley Reds again. I’ll square away with you at one of the friendlies or as soon as I can get across.

Len,<br>Put me down for three again will see you soon…

Hi len <br>will you put me in again ill pay you when i next see you <br> thanks di