For some unknown reason the 200 club is well behind last years number of members, we need as many members as possible
There are a lot of supporters that were in it last year not yet joined
Please join as we do really need to boost the development fund to help Nigel to get his squad as strong as possible and this can’t happen without you all helping its only £15 to join PLEASE SEE ME or go to the club shop and see Neil, as we will have to close it very soon

Thanks Len

2 of my Dad’s friends are wanting to join, but didn’t see you on Tuesday. They will be stood by the half-way line on Saturday.

Len, I hope you got my money for the wife an I ?

We will be closing the 200 Club after the next home match against Marine, please see me or Neil as we do need you all to join, there are at 40 people that were members last year still not in it and there are people that I have seen at the games
Please join as we do need your support


Well we are due to close the 200 club for this season.
I am very surprised that a number of the younger supporters, who come on this website regularly, who have a lot to say about the team, still haven’t joined.
I would like to thank all of you that have joined, and we will be making the 1st draw shortly

Thanks Len


I would call it Despondancy, not Apathy Eli. It will change, give it time.