23 police officers at the game

Trying to stop your fans fighting each other

Wot 11.5 plods per fan?

Get your facts right. No punches landed from alty/woodley scum. Old bill in attendance because plinky plonky small time football club cannot control 30 mouthy idiots.<br>Very brave of you all to injure a 40+ female. <br>

plinky plonky small time club?<br><br>Forgive us for not expecting police to be needed at Witton v Woodley!!!<br><br>If you are thick enough to fight each other then thats not our fault. Shameful.

As i said at the top we were not fighting amongst ourselves great stadium by the way not changed in 25 years.

Apart from the ?300,000 spent on it in 1996 with the new family stand, replaced section of the popular side and new social club.<br><br>Duhhhhh

We weren’t fighting amongst ourselves, a bit of restraining of some who have let the club down. ?(their actions unacceptable)<br><br>However gald to see the stewards were straight on the pitch after the streaker, his mate, their fans when they scored the winner, and the stewards/police were stopping the 2 idiots who ran 110 yards freely to attempt fights with the witton fans at the final whistle.<br>Just the 3 times they entered the played arena then, didn’t you do a good job, and this could have been avoided easily if the stewards had taken action after around 50minutes.<br><br>I found this mini report on the official Altrincham site:<br><br>The Cheshire Senior Cup Final at Moss Lane tonight between Woodley Sports and Witton Albion was marred by the stupid actions of a streaker who ran onto the pitch as Witton were taking a corner and was deservedly scythed down by Witton captain Brian Pritchard, who is apparently a policeman by profession (60 mins). To the surprise of all the spectators - but presumably obeying the letter of the law - referee Mr Cummins sent off the Witton captain for his tackling display, whilst the streaker was pursued by stewards for displaying his tackle. Following this episode, some minor crowd trouble occurred which led to the presence of the local constabulary. <br><br>

The streaker incident made five live tonight and when told about Pritch being sent off the presenter stated that "If the Ref isn’t suspended for at least 2 weeks he would not present the show for 2 weeks himself" So an appeal must be winging it’s way in as we speak!

On to the point of stewarding, whilst thinking all the incident through in my head I remembered a Alty v Macc CSC final at witton a few years ago when I was stewarding.<br><br>Trouble erupted when they changed ends at half time, I was stood with Nigel Pickering near the home turnstiles and we were immediately radioed to get over to the far side - just to the right of the segregation gate.<br>Although it was half time admitedly - within seconds there were stewards on the pitch making their way across, having run I got their before quite a few of them, which wasn’t pleasant. <br>We set about the task of spliting the rival fans apart (there weren’t that many causing trouble like last night) and they were moved along to their respective ends.<br>A couple who continued to "have a go" were removed from the ground. The gates were opened later and with stewards on the gates (as always) ensuring they didn’t return.<br>The 2nd half passed without incident, and I don’t think the police were called if I remember correctly (not 100% sure).<br><br>Any such action last night to Woodley and witton fans should have prevented most of the problems. A bit of common sense would have suggested there might have been trouble when about 20 appeared, with cans, drinking - I commented on it when there was just 5 of them and I’m not a week in week out steward!<br><br>The debate goes on.

Morning to all<br><br>I was on with DJ Spoony last night on 606 reporting to him about the incident last night, which was a pivotal moment in the outcome of the game. <br>There is one more point which I would like to make and so far has been slightly forgotten, Woodley Sports (the team, and not their (supposed) fans) might have deserved to win??<br>Witton had a non existent midfield, and playing Mike up front without a recognised strike partner, for the last few games has taken its toll. Burton could be the answer to our prayers and to Mikes as well.<br>What do we think?

I am glad Macca has made the point, lets be honest we are a poor side. Pritch was wrong to do what he did and the referee is an absolute idiot. But aren’t they all.<br><br>I still have not changed my opinion, we will do well to stay in the top 13, a relegation struggle or what!

Not really. 4 more wins and I’d say we are as good as safe!

I’ll take it you didn’t go to the game then adger, give them a bit of credit.<br><br>If they had been that bad the fans would have long gone instead of clapping them when receiving their medals.

looks like you’ve made the BBC website [smiley=banane.gif]<br><br>http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/funny_old_game/3568511.stm

Wrong Neil I was at the game, just like I am at most games and have been for the past 20 years or so, and I no that we have a poor side.

why? Top 13 is the aim and we are 8th.