A sign of respect from Barrow & jealousy from ...?

From Barrow’s official website

The squad have been training with EvoStik League Chryso matchballs all week to get to grips with them before the cup tie and grateful thanks are expressed to Northwich Victoria and Lancaster City for supplying balls.

Thought it was only their shirts that were green not their eyes as well.

Is there a stipulation that we have to use the league ball for cup games?

Hopefully their keeper has been practising picking the ball out of the back of the net.
Lancaster probably loaned them foc but as for the others…

For me I’m glad to see Barrow are taking this tie seriously and their manager Dave Bayliss was down again on Wednesday night. But why are them over the water getting involved.

Because they hate us as much as I hate them!! They are beginning to realise we are a REAL threat to their supremacy in the town and if we win tomorrow their demise cannot long be held back.

Having checked the rules there is nothing stopping us using any FIFA approved ball

Bloomin eck WHS, you’ve got a lot of hate! :evil: Why not give more LOVE! :kiss:

I think WHS has got it just right ! save all your hate for man u and vics simples !!! :laugh:

True C.J. I only hate Vics and United, I like everyone else!!(Please note, I only hate the clubs, not individual supporters, they are just misguided people who don’t know better!)Anyway, back to the subject in hand, COME ON THE ALBS!!!

“We don’t know what we’ll be playing with,” said Witton boss Brian Pritchard.

“I’ll let the lads decide.”


[quote=“Mookie Blaylock” post=40022]“We don’t know what we’ll be playing with,” said Witton boss Brian Pritchard.

“I’ll let the lads decide.”


Love it :slight_smile: