A win's a win

OK, 1 - 0 at home against a struggling team may not be something to get over excited about, but has anyone got any info / opinions on how we played today against Bridlington?

You’re quite right Mike, a win is indeed a win, and although it wasn’t a classic, one goal (when it finally came) was always going to be enough.<br>In my opinion, the first half was decent enough,however this current Albion side do look some what shot shy. Perhaps recent home form really has started to play on their minds. It has on the gate, only 236 there today. <br>Second half we played much like the first half, then Daryl came on for Michael Bird (who worked hard but with no great quality). Daryl made a break down the wing, put a deep cross into Lee Madin, who crossed back to MM who was inches from the line to nod home.<br><br>MOM the match, for me was Andy Barlow, so much better to see him in the middle of the park and Pritch in the heart of the defense.<br><br>A win is a win, and with another home game on Monday night against Marine, maybe we can build on todays result.<br><br>Up the Albion!!

Delighted to see that Albion won today, did not attend as a protest, obviously if the gate was only 236, I am not on my own.<br><br>One goal against a side which has shipped in 10 in there previous two games, however a win is a win.<br><br>Clearly an attacking force

Pritch, you were outstanding today lad, well done!<br><br>muz

Team:<br><br>Gibson, Tickle, Evans, Barlow, Furnival, Pritchard, Yates, Nolan, Madin, Bird, Moseley<br><br>subs:<br>Dicken for Bird<br>Salt for…<br>Burton not used<br><br>Albion starting missing the injured Adam Foy and put a fair bit of pressure on the Brid defence in the opening few minutes but without really creating much.<br>the game then drifted to mediocrity which wasn’t helped by an excellent referee who couldn’t tell corners from goal kicks, players falling over their own feet and understanding the advantage rule as well as seemingly having the whistle stuck down his throat whilst having a rather bad cough! <br><br>One let off in the first half when gibbo hesitated for a cross and some Brid lad at the far post hit the post. Phew.<br><br>Second half, dont remember all that much except some wayward passing and Nigel nutt gettig more excited than anyone else after winning the golden goal. that of course came after the Moseley goal which was made by an excellent cross from Lee Madin - to be fair he couldn’t miss. (was anyone there against Radcliffe the other year - heart in mouth) He didn’t 1-0. <br><br>Overall we were better than them and deserved the 3 points, sading it wasn’t exactly an exciting game and the attendance mirrors peopels feeling I fear. Hopefully being up to 6th with games in hand will make a difference. there seemed to be a nervousness about the players and hush about the fans, hopefully a bit of confidence will come from the victory.<br>Now for Marine.

Indeed, a win is a win, and a much needed one at that!!<br><br>Not pretty, but we were improved on last week (not hard though, was it!) and we were better than Brid. Just.<br><br>I thought we looked scared to throw numbers forward for fear of losing, and we were happier to play possession rather than throw caution to the wind and entertain the fans. This hopefully just a confidence issue which is to be expected after the berating they’ve taken after the Winsford result. <br><br>Only thing that worries me is that no changes would have been made to that team if Adam Foy wasn’t injured, therefore Pritch probably wouldn’t have played. Worrying that some players who were atrocious last week keep their places - echo’s of Keith Clayton’s programme notes - what do players need to do to get dropped?<br><br>Still, in a strong position in the league still; 6th at moment and could go 3rd with games in hand (not points, I know, but a possibility). A win again on Monday will help instill confidence and optimism back in the players and the fans.

Have had to be content with watching from a distance-WP might as well be in Outer Mongolia if you’re based in Manchester and don’t get near the car on a Saturday!<br><br>League position looks quite promising considering the strength of the opposition, then again by all reports apart from the Workington and Matlock away games performances haven’t been great.<br><br>There are recurring themes here, especially an inability to change the team and change tactics, which in the past has been blamed on the limited budget, so what’s the reason now? Both the current and previous management teams have arrived from NWCL teams where they have had decent playing budgets and not quite delivered results, so why be surprised when the same thing happens at the Albion? <br><br>As for the business about Pritch not being first on the team sheet when available it’s presumably difficult for the management to keep chopping and changing but let’s remember we’re talking about a player who I’ve never seen give less than 100% and who would walk into most other teams in the league.

To be fair though Anstey, Bridlington had loads of players out due to mumps last week. But hey, Wins a win.<br><br> What will happen if we do start playing well. I mean were 5th off 2 good performances.<br><br> A GOOD TEAM FINDS A WAY TO WIN WHEN THERE NOT PLAYING WELL. Remind you of a certain team at the moment. ;D

Apart from the result,thought everything else was poor again yesterday,yes the wind did’nt help but Bridlington were a very poor side that had had 2 hammerings in their previous 2 games.Although we’re 6th from top we’re only 3 points from 6th from bottom who ironically are Bridlington, on yesterdays showing we’ll be nowhere near the promotion places at the end of the season.The league is going to be close for most clubs as yesterday proved but the top 3 are already starting to pull clear and on yesterdays showing we’re heading for another mediocre season, however I suppose we are playing at a higher standard and a mid- table finish would’nt be too disasterous. Big concern about the gate though,230 is’nt good enough and ?6.50 for this standard won’t add any more on even if performances improve.

Moan Moan Moan Moan.<br><br>And we won???<br><br>Anstey - didn’t cancel your pie. Someone else bought it coz we sold out.<br><br>Let’s be positive. <br><br>Or being a Wittoner - is that impossible?<br><br>GE<br>

Yesterday’s win was very welcome, no question about it,but, at the final whistle, the cheer that went up was somewhat muted and I failed to see many smiling faces on exiting the ground.<br>To put it into context, we scraped through against a Bridlington side that, judging from the empty dugout and injured goalkeeper, could barely muster a team to fulfill the fixture.<br>Witton’s frailties this seaon, on the other hand, were once again exposed. Poor passing and distribution, long hopeful balls by-passing a non-existent midfield and a general lack of cohesion and shape making for painful viewing. <br>I fear Wittoner maybe right and we are destined for mid-table mediocrity. This may not be disastrous but the Chairman said that we had to be challenging for promotion this season. Mid-table for the club the size of Witton Albion,to me, is unacceptable.For too many years the Club has drifted it’s time to "take the bull by horns" and move forward.

Do I sense some of you are beggining to agree with me that the management team we have are mediocre to say the least!<br><br>I sense that already we are resigned to a mid table position.<br><br>I am amazed that GE, tells us to stop moaning, every right to moan, paying ?6.50 to watch that, as a Director he should be concerned, unless of course he is a fully paid up member of the JD Appreciation Society.<br><br>Anyway, a night in front of the telly again tonight, will keep my money in my pocket as I have no doubt many more will.<br><br>Will the attendance be higher tonight? Probably because a few may come from Marine.

My god, its a shame moaning isnt an olympic event, if it was then we would fill at least the top 200 places!!! cant you just give it a rest when we win? we played ok today, could have scored more if we had our shooting boots on, knocked the ball around well enough, its always hard playing a poor defense minded team who looked determined to keep us out<br><br>mid table? i think you lot should look at the table! wot kind of supporter are you anyway anstey? glory hunter? tosser? does a team not need your support even more when they are in a tricky patch? 5th last season and i wouldnt bet against us doing the same again this year!<br><br>lets get behind the team, and finally anstey, please dont ever come back!

when i say played well today, i of course mean on sat, altho i hope we do play well today! :-[

Anstey: Will you tape Silent Witness for me please?<br><br>GE<br>

How can we be resigned to mid-table mediocrity after 8 games?<br><br>Up until about xmas last year people were saying we will struggle to make the top 13. Then this "mediocre" manager of ours pulled us right up the table into a very convincing 5th place. <br><br> Everyone said City could challenge for th UEFA Cup spots this time last year then they went something like 20 games without a league win. Things change very fast and I think we will start getting right VERY soon and be challenging around the top 5.

Anstey, as you’re not doing anything tonight - can you babysit my nipper? I have a video, so you can record GE’s programme as well.<br><br>You might also want to do that bit of ironing I’ve left, oh and the dishes need washing and if you’ve time, the hoover is under the stairs.<br><br>I’ll leave pop and crisps of course.<br><br>Seems to me that’s all you’re good for, cos you know nowt about being a football fan.

We don’t want fans like Anstey there cos’ they just moan and make life hard for the players. <br><br>End of the day, We won on saturday and are sat 6th with a game in hand over everyone in the league. If we keep at least not losing and picking up decent wins then we will be challenging the top 5 for the playoffs.<br><br> People moan about JD not using the budget. Hopefully he is making sure he uses it wisely rather than on waste’s of space like Kevan. Rather he took a couple of months and got the right players than picked up 2 or 3 useless ones in a week. <br><br> Back to the Bridlington game. My MOM would have to be Gibbo. Very solid performance and is proving to be one of the best keepers I have seen at this level. (Until tonight when he lets in a howler). Another win would be nice espicially if it is 5-0 so the moaners can all shut up.<br><br> Tough game at the weekend up at Spennymoor means its even more important that we get three points. <br><br>Advice: Take a pack lunch if you are going on saturday and a flake if you buy any pints in the pubs.

Anstey:<br><br>1. I taped Silent Witness myself thanks.<br>2. I sold all the pies. Fred was very grateful to you for not coming so he could have one.<br>3. We won 3-0.<br><br><br>GE<br>

Absolutely delighted to have the six points, sometimes a moan pays dividends and all you blinkered supporters who worship JD dont like it.<br><br>Anyway by all accounts it was a good performance last night, against by all accounts not a very good Marine side. But the six points this week have made a difference.<br><br>I will continue to voice my opinion, I will continue to criticise if I want and I have no doubt that all you supporters who think the sun shines out of JD’s backside, GE included will continue to call me. <br><br>By the way Silent Witness was very good last night, the Major’s son caused the accident, having it away with Rosa, thought I would let GE no in case he hasn’t watched it yet