Accrington Stanley

Mr Whalley had a cracking game tonight for Accrington scoring the winning goal right near the end in their 3-2 win, who knows might not be long before a big money move happens after all.

Picko, you beat me to it! I’ve just posted it elsewhere on the forum but it’s great news and a great start for the lad.

Just seen in the paper that Accrington could have up to 10 points deducted for fielding ineligible players, dosen’t say who. This could be the nail in the coffin for them staying in the league. What do people think? a good thing or a bad thing for us reguarding Shaun Whalleys future moves? I would have liked to see them pushing in the top half of division two and Shaun getting himself noticed but that could still happen in the conference.

Apparently, there are two players involved in this investigation. One of them is a youngster they have had on loan from Preston, but he was supposedly still registered with them as a scholarship player when Accrington played him.

Think back to last season with accrington and the player that Altrincham signed off them, believing there was no issues with international clearance! They escaped any punishment for their involvement last year. You would have thought they would have learnt from their lucky escape last year!