Adam foy

I just wanted to pass on my best wishes to Adam Foy and wish him a speed recovery from what looked like a serious injury last night. It looked and sounded like he broke his leg (for those not there) in an midfield challenge involving three players.<br><br>Adam I hope you recover quickly and I’m sure you will.

sorry to hear that, hope you recover soon adam fingers crossed it is not a break…

Adam, Hope your ok…and a speedy recovery…

Just spoken to the management. Adam has broken his tib and fib and has been operated on. He is currently recovering at Leighton hospital.<br><br>My best wishes at this time mate and hopefully you will revover quickly.

Sorry to here of ADAM,s injury…hope he,s ok…and he has a quick recovery.

Indeed all the best adam.

I’ve spent my Saturday afternoon visiting Adam in Leighton Hospital. Apart from the obvious boredom that goes with being in such places, he was in good spirits all things considered.

Indeed, all the best Adam - hope you heal quickly.<br><br>First the head injury that kept him out for a few games, and now this for the season.<br><br>

get well soon adam, lets get promotion for him so he can come back a conf north player

Hi Adam…hope your recovering :)… can anybody give a up date on hows hes doing…Lets hope people still remember him …(only joking) we all do i hope…

Sad as it is Bee Jay… IF YOUR INJURED…or ill…your forgoten about very quickly,…when everything is ROSIE…and were Winning… ???

He didn’t do to bad last night trying to beat Pritch getting behind the goal for the penalty shoot out<br>He actually beat Pritch