AFC Telford away Monday, 28th Aug

Details for the away trip to AFC Telford on Bank Holiday Monday, 28th August are as follows<br><br>Directions: M6 South to junction 10A, onto M54. ?Exit M54 at junction 6, signposted A5223 Wellington. ?Carry on over first roundabout (Retail Park), straight over next roundabout (B5067) then turn left at next roundabout (Furrows Garage). ?Continue over railway bridge then take the first right, then left into the stadium car park. <br><br>Parking: Club car park on the left next to the stadium.<br>Cost: ?2.00. ?Disabled drivers free.<br><br>Admission prices:<br>Adults ?8, Concessions ?5, Children (under 16) ?1.<br><br>Matchday Programme: ?2.<br><br>Disabled Facilities:<br>Entrance for disabled supporters is located in the corner of the stadium, between the "Sir Stephen Roberts Stand" and the "David Hutchinson Stand."<br>There are two areas designated for wheelchair users both at pitch level in the "David Hutchinson Stand" and the "Frank Nagington Stand."<br><br>The accessible toilets for wheelchair users are located beneath the "Sir Stephen Roberts Stand" and the control tower.<br><br>

Presumably those lovable power hungry types who get in free and boost the Telford crowd numbers by wearing stewards jackets will be undergoing special training in synchronised pleading "sit down please".<br>If only they just opened their nice terracing to the people who matter, the away fans.<br>Remember to take your own sandwiches unless you feel flush enough to pay stadium prices for average food.<br>At least it’s not likely to be snowing!!

You will find all areas of the ground open this time [smiley=applause_smiley.gif]

Thats great news - we can stand! [smiley=banane.gif]

Thanks for the info Derek, but might i suggest the best route for those travelling is down the A49.<br><br>My mini bus is full, and i believe the team coach is full.<br><br>See you there hic!<br>

My mini bus is full
[/quote]<br>With me and Gaz on, it might be over full!

Why dont we all take deck chairs along to sit in the standing areas?<br>That will really annoy the stewards!

What time is the kick off on Monday?<br>Whs


Great, will try to be there.<br>WHS

Sorry Artful for the inclement weather on your last visit. However, I believe the East Terrace was closed for safety reasons i.e the snow. It was a wonder the game went ahead at all!<br><br>Don’t get me me started on Stewards! However, Seats are for seating in. There will be plenty of areas to stand.<br><br>I rarely buy food at football matches, home or away, as I normally always regret it afterwards. :smiley: :D<br><br>With the V festival finished, we are hoping for a 2000 crowd on Monday.<br><br>BTW, don’t bother with the M6 just drop down the A49 then A442

Just another version of the Rooney song we could sing at Telford!!<br><br>I saw my mate <br>The other day<br>He said to me he’s seen the white Pele<br>So I asked ‘who is he?’<br>He goes by the name of Mike Moseley<br>Mike Moseley Mike Moseley<br>He goes by the name of Mike Moseley!!<br>

And another one courtesey of Robbo to the Gerrard song them scousers sing!<br><br>Mike Moseley Moseley<br>He’ll score us a goal or three<br>He scored against Ferriby<br>Mike Moseley Moseley!!

I expect there are a number of ways of getting to Telford young Chad but I used the AFC Telford website’s directions but hey, no worries I’m sure we will be there in numbers.

I have the feeling that this one will be an absolute cracker . I hope supporters are there in numbers - this team deserves all the support we can muster. I have no doubt that those who are there will make themselves heard!<br><br>For those lucky enough to be going - enjoy the game and the banter with the Telford fans- just gutted I can’t be there.

any news on who is fit and able to play yet

For those unlucky enough to be stuck in work like myself:<br><br>BBC Radio Shropshire will be providing full match commentary for all AFC Telford United games this season, including this weekend’s trip to Frickley Athletic and Bank Holiday Monday’s game against Witton Albion at Telford’s New Bucks Head stadium. <br>If you want to feature the commentary on these games (and any others this season) on the UniBond website, please feel free to use the link below (it’s the same one for all games): <br> <br>The webstream will only be live from five minutes before matches start… until five minutes after they finish. <br>We’re really keen to show BBC bosses that covering football outside the Conference is not only a great listen? but can also be successful with audiences.

ill be updating the website during the game as well