AFC Telford United v Witton Albion

Witton team:<br><br>Kennedy, Brownhill, Ness, Pritchard, Spearritt, Griff Jones, McGuire, Lloyd, Moseley, Maynard, Connors.<br><br>Subs: King, Peers, McNutt.

Half Time Score: AFC TELFORD UNITED 1 WITTON ALBION 1.<br><br>Mike Moseley put Witton ahead after 2 minutes.<br><br>Telford equalised through Luke McNally on 30 minutes.

Latest Score: AFC TELFORD UNITED 1 WITTON ALBION 1.<br><br>Steve Connors missed penalty.


How long left?<br>WHS

Latest Score: AFC TELFORD UNITED 2 WITTON ALBION 2.<br><br>Rob Lloyd.

I would say that Rob Lloyd equalised with approximately 10 minutes to go plus stoppage time.


Thoroughly entertaining game. Witton should have won it second half after letting in a soft goal after missing numerous chances & the penalty.<br><br>My Man of the Match Rob Lloyd. Look class on the ball & ruled the midfield very well.

Well, we’ve continued our run, dropped downt he table a bit but are in a better position to win this league. Not sure what to make of today - yes we were unlucky, so were they but I thought we had the better of the 2nd half but JK pulled it out the hat in the 1st.<br><br>Several comments on radio shropshire said it was a great game and many telford fans saying we were the better team so I’ll not argue.<br><br>Realistically we aren’t going to win EVERY game and we have to keep picking up points, and aslong as we dont get penalties we’ll be ok. I think we have scored more this season from 30 yard than 12!<br><br>All in all a decent day out, plenty of encouragem,ent for the team, nice to hear some decent telford fans, shame about the ones who wanted peoples legs breaking. It’ll make us all the more sympatetic if any unfortunate like that happpens to your players. Grow a brain.<br><br>If we were in a film what would it be?<br>Groundhog day right?<br>See you Saturday!

Yeah Rob Lloyd was outstanding I am sure he will be involved with the Crewe 1st team very soon judging by their latest results. We probs should have won that game with the amount of chances we had but as they say you can’t win them all!!! <br>It would have been nice to see the penalty go in as Steve Connors had a good game but I think the partizan crowd didn’t help him much! The penalty taking situation is getting to be a bit serious with the amount of misses from the spot this season I think it might be an idea to let somone like Pritch take the penalty’s from now on, he had a good record a couple of years ago when he took them and no keeper is going to fancy saving a Pritch thunderbolt. <br>Suming up I thought the lads showed good character to come back and get the equalizer under a hostile atmosphere. Lets look forward to Prescot Cables in the next league game and keep up the pressure on Marine and Feriby

What about Lloyd taking pens?

Good performance by the lads today and good witton support…We had the chances to end it, missed pen, hit bar and post and Telford had their share of chances aswell but Witton were the stronger team in the second half by far.<br>Some good goalkeeping from John kept us in it in the first half<br>Maynard looked dangerous again today but kept getting brought down (think the telford players must have been told to go in hard after he ripped them apart last week)<br>Overall should have won but one point closer to winning the league. come on lets av it!

I’ve finally sorted another username out!<br><br>Good result today, as Neil said we can’t win them all. Could have been a lot worse had their shot at the end not hit the post and come out. A bit more composure however and we could have easily taken all 3 points. Good performances from Kennedy and Lloyd and hard working displays from Maynard and McGuire deserved more. The penalty situation needs sorting quickly, whats wrong with Moseley or Maynard taking them?!<br><br>Didn’t see what happened after the penalty miss but cannot believe that the stewards thought moving all of the Witton fans would solve the problem. Asking 3 moronic telford fans to leave the stadium would have been a far better solution. From what the steward said after the game, it could very well be segregated on Saturday anyway.<br><br>Roll on Saturday, come on the Albs<br><br>Greg

I don’t think anyone in this league can accuse Telford of not knowing what a crowd is but have they got a little used to EVERY team going there and having a handful of fans who sit quietly in the corner?<br><br>Even in the trophy game the 20 or so of us had a go at making some noise and stood behind the goal, surely a simple change of ends if that other end had been open would have saved any bother, however when their stewards mention its something to do with health and saftey I’ll nod, smile and accept it like we all have to!<br><br>However even I was suprised by the following today - any chance we can turn up with as much enthusiasm when we play Prescot at the next home game?<br><br> [smiley=banane.gif] [smiley=banane.gif]

Thought it was a most enjoyable match and a good advert for Unibond football. [smiley=applause_smiley.gif]<br><br>Man of the match, Pritch by a mile.

Yeah, Cracking game, fair result, and a good atmosphere for a 2 sided ground.<br><br>Overlooked but have to say an excellent refereeing performance for a change!!!<br><br>Final message for the over zealous stewards and the couple of idiots behind the goal.<br><br>‘We shall not be moved’

So who’s going on Saturday then?!

Good game we should have won it, as we had the better of the chances. <br><br>Good to see most of the Telfords fans weren’t all idiots. But saying that we have one or two. One of which I nearly took a good beating for. Well done to the stewards for sorting it quickly, but we should have never been allowed to mix with them. Telfors should know by now that we have a strong away following and not been so stupid to think that you can mix two sets of passionate fans together. <br><br>Telfords haed steward and their stadium manager should be taken to one side and taught how to run things. <br><br>Enough said. <br><br>Come on you reds.

I promise I for one will be at the Prescot game.<br>WHS