AFC Telford United v Witton Albion

Witton team:<br><br>Kennedy, Brownhill, Connors, Pritchard, Spearritt, King, McGuire, Lloyd, Moseley, Maynard, Peers.<br><br>Subs: Griff Jones, McNutt, Hughes.

Latest Score: AFC TELFORD UNITED 0 WITTON ALBION 1.<br><br>Rob Lloyd ( 25 minutes) from just inside the penalty area.

Latest Score: AFC TELFORD UNITED 0 WITTON ALBION 1.<br><br>Telford’s Lee Vaughan sent off for professional foul on Mark Peers.


Latests Score: AFC TELFORD UNITED 0 WITTON ALBION 1.<br><br>Witton’s Steve Connors sent off for violent conduct.

steve connors sent off for violent conduct according to telfords website

Apologies for the mistake, he had been booked in the first half.

let you off, wheels.


cheers lutkie

Good result although it means we are still in it.

great result and yet another clean sheet ;D

I agree, a great result.<br>WHS

Worth getting out of my sick bed for. Shame about S.C. but hey how much stick has he had in the previous two matches?<br><br>Anyone care to post a match report from the Telford match as the Chronicle & Guardian could do with one to lift off.<br><br>Blyth only drawing their league match today anf the Reserves also winning 4-0 against Barnton it was good to get these results on Ceefax P399<br><br>C u when I’m back from Spain good luck in the meantime teams<br><br>

Add to the above just received then results from the MCL Our Youth Team also won 3-0 v Styal Reserves!!<br><br>THREE WINS 8 Goals scored + NONE conceded.<br><br>Keep up the good work all of you.<br><br>See you at the A.G.M.

Would rather have lost this game and won the one last week though. Still, always nice to have a chance of a bit of silverware!

Good result, good performance, nice to finish our games against telford with a win! Listening to the radio on the way home, even they said that we dominated for the majority of the game.<br><br>Yet again though, for such a nice stadium, the stewarding, coupled with some of their fans is awful. No lessons were learned from Monday as far as the stewarding was concerned. We weren’t allowed behind one of the goals due to health and safety yet there were telford players stood in there?!?! Fan power soon got them shifted! We were then told that for the 2nd half we had some terracing allocated to us behind the goal at the Telford end. We were taken there by the stewards and were duly told to f off by possibly the most moronic telford fan of all. A middle aged man with his family, great effort!<br><br>Couple of highlights, singing stand up for the albion in the stand, and singing sunderland at the end of the game!<br><br>Man of the match - Telford Stewards, closely followed by Pritch<br>

A decent game in poor conditions - thank god they kept it on! <br>Stewards, no comment, doubt they’ll have the issue of that many away fans again this season so there shouldnt be a problem.<br><br>MOM Pritch again without a doubt although the whole team seems to be playing well!<br><br>Finally for anyone who couldnt find it:<br>

Do they include the vast number of stewards in their gate figures?<br>Perhaps there is a local government scheme for giving self important nobodies with a penchant for fluorescent jackets something to do on a Saturday!<br>Anyway, an excellent result in atrocious conditions. We played some very good football considering the slush and the spoiling tactics of an opposition that consistently fouls.<br>Brian Pritchard was immense.

another quality result. Well done lads (all 3 teams that is) <br><br>Come on Sunderland double figures would be nice and let everyone in for free.