Could someone tell me what date the AGM is planned for.<br><br>Thanks

Thursday 19th I think.

Yes Jim, It’s Thursday 19th January at 7pm<br>It is only for shareholders though

If the sparse summary sheet that has been provided is correct then it should be an interesting meeting!<br><br>

that should read s p a r s e!!!

Cannot make it sadly, prior engagement.<br>WHS

Just a personal thought, but I don’t think we should be disclosing our financial situation (good or bad) on a public website.

Exam at 9.30 the next day dictates so I wont be able to make either.

I can’t believe my posting has been deleted- if this site gets any more sterile we’ll be performing operations on it ???<br><br>Its just like the early 90s where everyone buried their heads in the sand and the club nearly went BANG.<br><br>

What a very informative meeting that was tonight, well spoken by our chairman, and very much appreciated by all who attended<br>The future is bright and RED & WHITE

Yes certainly a positive meeting indeed, no excuses either etc.<br><br>Nice to see the reception Jim got aswell, the man talks a lot of sense!