The alarming trend continues, since the start of this season the average crowd has fallen every time we’ve played.The current average is now 256!! the lowest I think in the history of the club - Worrying times indeed!

And of great concern to the Board, we expected many more yesterday, particularly after beating Workington in mid week. Suggestions on how we get the missing supporters back would be most welcome.

Difficult when we have a new manager and a great home record. We are starting to be at the right end of the table too. Maybe just need to give it time.

Results and performances, if we put together a run of good results and start playing as we can then people will start to come again, we are in a very good position for the new manager to take us forward. Despite looking at some of our home results this season most will admit the performances were not fantastic, having seen Garys first signing I’m convinced that we will be a better team under his leadership.

Yeah I am sure the gate’s will pick up when performances improve. But the declining fan base is a worry, is there not some scheme we could introduce like giving tickets away to school’s for a couple of matches for example we might not get any money from it to begin with but if only 20 kids came back it would produce a good revenue and plus some would bring mums and dads. <br>Just and idea don’t know what anyone else thinks?

‘Witton Willy’ distributed 300 ‘Free Child’ tickets around Northwich a week before the Frickley Athletic game.<br><br>Do you know how many we had coming to Saturday’s game?<br><br>NONE<br><br>GE<br><br>

HALLELUJA!!!<br>There is hope for the future in the Northwich kids of today.<br> :wink:

[quote]‘Witton Willy’ distributed 300 ‘Free Child’ tickets around Northwich a week before the Frickley Athletic game.

Do you know how many we had coming to Saturday’s game?




I think we have to face reality and accept that we cannot attract more than 250 of our own fans in this league. The kids will not be interested in our level, it is not recognized enough and there are to many other bigger clubs close by and matches on sky!!

Its a big worry for the Board and something we are monitoring very closely.<br><br>We do need everyone’s support to try and find ways of getting new and young supporters through the gates

True - being a ‘fair weather’ Wittoner myself - I must admit I went last Saturday due to the win mid week and the appointment of the new management team.<br><br>There are many reasons for low attendance at this time of year many of which are covered in other responses to this topic [the cold weather, Christmas shopping] however I would reiterate other contibutors in stating the main way to increase and maintain attendance is through winning games whilst playing attractive football - both of which as we know do not always go hand in hand.<br><br>

Haven’t been able to get to games for a whole range of reasons but affordability is one. Have changed jobs twice of late and money for footy not plentiful or a priority so the demise of the family gate is a big disincentive. Sorry to be boring but it’s a major issue for some of us…

Jimbo is right about the family gate thing tho. Can’t say it’s a coincidence.

Just a slight side issue to all this… but it would actually help if we had some home fixtures in the next few weeks to attract fans to watch us. Have a look at the fixture list after the cup game against Wakefield! Whatever happened to a fixture at home over the Xmas period?

I based the above after examining the teamsheet page, which has us down as playing Prescot away over xmas.However on checking the fixtures page we are playing them at home. Neil have you again made a mistake on this site???

Teamsheet page is actually not my doing!<br>Believe it or not it wasnt me!<br><br>To offer my opinion on the gates - we had some decent ones at the start in theory showing the interest is there sadly performances and results with the bigger gates were nothing short of appaling. <br>Hopefully by the time of the next home league game we’ll be in a better position to get a 300+ gate.

The error is down to me! My eyes clearly are as bad as you thought Pritch!!<br><br>Didn’t think I’d put all that information into a spreadsheet without making any errors, so if anymore are spotted, please let me know (and I don’t mean the Moseley/Pritchard goal!!)<br><br>As for the gates - the junior thing won’t have worked because parents will be dragging the kids Xmas shopping on a Saturday in the run up to Xmas - parents won’t have the spare time to take their kids to something like that at this time of year. Maybe trying again in the new year when no-one has any money - parents will be desperate to entertain their kids for next to nothing!!<br><br>Attacking performances are the way forward - nobody wants to watch a team defend - there has been an improvement in the last month or so, so hopefully we’ll see the gates pick up as word gets out that we’re getting better.

Talking of alarming statistics. 460 at Vics last night with around 80 Lambs fans apparantly. Also about 15 Alty fans.

80!! now you are joking. Have to accept though that there wern’t many more than 400 Vics fans on – the main reason being that Liverpool and Man U were playing champions leagues games live on sky! - the Liverpool one being very important. I have spoken to many fans who stayed in the pub/home to watch the REDS and unfortunately it did’nt do us any good. Still the VS will be open soon when the droves of Vics fans will be back – THEN YOU CAN COMPARE US, once again you lot show complete and woeful ignorance to our situation. i hope you lot never have to groundshare at the VS, - YOUR GATES WILL BE DOWN TO SINGLE FIGURES!!<br> A WORD OF ADVICE DEBBIE, DON’T BOTHER WITH THE KIDS TICKETS, wafc ARN’T CAPABLE OF ENTERTAINING THEM WITH THE PATHETIC LEVEL YOU PLAY AT, ANY DECENT PARENT WOULD’NT SUBJECT THEIR CHILD TO SUCH FILTH HENCE THE NIL TURNOUT LAST TIME!!

JGG suggested (although I’ve no idea why he felt the need to shout) that "ANY DECENT PARENT WOULD’NT SUBJECT THEIR CHILD TO SUCH FILTH".<br><br>All I can say is that our two must have seen in the region of 150-200 Albs games without any obvious lasting harm. Should I turn myself in to social services now or maybe :wink: JGG knows nothing?