WITTON ALBION ?3 ?BARROW FC ?0<br><br>The UniBond Premier League hosts left their Conference North visitors with a massive headache as they totally outplayed then at the Britannia Carpets Stadium.<br><br>On 8 minutes Carl Frost broke clear down the right and delivered a cross for the highly impressive SHAUN WHALLEY, the midfield player left two defenders standing, drew goalkeeper Jamie Speare before slotting the ball home with precision.<br><br>Albion?s lead was doubled on the 28th minute when yet another very physical challenge from the Cumbrian outfit resulted in a 25 yard free-kick. A superb dummy from Mark Jones saw the ball laid off to ALEX BROWN and Speare never moved as the ball flashed past him.<br><br>The result was put in no doubt eight minutes from the interval and again it came as a result of precision passing and cool finishing as this time MIKE MOSELEY created the space enabling him to lash the ball past Speare.<br><br>But for very good saves from Speare and his deputy Ben Morsby, the former denying Whalley twice whilst the latter tipped over a Mark Jones effort then the final score would have been a total humiliation.<br><br>The Cumbrian outfit could take no comfort from their individual performances and will certainly have to improve drastically in the two weeks before their league campaign starts.<br><br>TEAM:- Worsnop; Brownhill (Smith 53), Hockenhull (Ally Brown 66), Pritchard, Barrass, Spearitt (Furnival 59); Alex Brown (Greg Trainer ex Wigan 68), Jones, Whalley (Gaghan 63), Moseley, Frost (Haughton 64)<br><br><br>What a pity we could not play the Vics after now being properly warmed up!!<br>

Is that you Phil ?

Depends if I owe you money :smiley: :smiley:

I know it was a friendly, I know it counts for nothing, I know we have had false dawns before, I know we need to play competitive matches to really guage how much progress we are making - but we were really excellent. If that’s what we are going to see this season then we have every reason to be cheerful!

[quote]Depends if I owe you money :smiley: :D[/quote]<br><br>Well if it is you Phil you should be able to work this out :<br><br>Barrow fan.<br><br>We worked at the same place for a long time.<br><br>If its not you apologies - I was only saying hello again to an old mate.<br>

Hi there John, I’ll own up now. Have sent your a personal message.