Albion v. Burscough

1 - 0 to Witton, 1st minute. We actually scored a penalty!<br><br> [smiley=banane.gif]

Now 1 - 1.

Think it finished 3-2 to Burscough in the end.

Yes 3-2 This Witton side was dreadfull, the slowest back three, all centre halves what the hell was the management thinking of,<br> loan players no thanks, if their good you have to give them back, can we do the same when their crap ?<br><br>Time to get rid, surely weve got enough points to stay up, <br>give the reserves a chance,.<br>Totally pissed off

I think you need to take a deep breath and chill out.<br>Agreed the defence was poor but we did play some good football, especially in the first half.<br><br>We have definately improved over recent games and although today wasnt the best result i feel we were unlucky not to have got a point. <br><br>As for the loan players issue im sure Jim is doing best he can to get quality players in and i dont think playing the reserves team is the answer to the problems as so many people seem to think it is.

I must disagree with the last posting, about the reserve team players.<br>It is obvious the you have not seen the reserves play, because I am afraid you are talking C***P.<br>The reserves may not have played at the level of some of these we have in the 1st team.<br>But I will gaurentee you that they will give 110 % effort, which is far higher than some on the pitch today put in, and they don’t expect to get paid as much. [smiley=ranting.gif]<br>Rant over, very disappointed after about 30 minutes, we started to struggle and never recovered from it.<br>Jim knows which players are good enough in the reserves, and I am sure those today know they weren’t good enough.<br>My the way the reserves are standing proudly on top of the Mid-Cheshire 1st Division, after today, Great [smiley=banane.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif]

Hang on guys, I am not discrediting the reserve players as I am sure they are decent players but look at the level in which you are saying they can play. I must question the fact that for them to step up four levels would be quite a challenge. As for today playing three centre defenders worked to a point, look at the domination and quality of play in the first half. How many penalties should we have been given, Peers was different class. They never really threatend until their penalty. Game should have been out of sight by half time. Second half they came into the game and unfortunatley the same story was written, just when we got back into the game a horrendous mistake by a defender cost us. We still should have had a point with the last kick, how did we miss that from two yards out. Good performances from the new boys, Keeper decent, Hall looks classy, the big guy looked ok but very dissapointed with Mosseley and Whit, Hockenhull, but did we really deserve the outcome…

Len The Chair all you ever bang on about is the reserves - its boring, i come on here to discuss the first team, there is a seperate section for the reserves, stay on their and discuss your dreams of the reserves being the first team…where people might actually care.

Perhaps your problem is that YOU SHOULD ACTUALLY CARE if you are a Witton fan as you claim to be then you should realise this is a club not a one team outfit. Thank goodnes people with your attitude do not run this club . What will you say if three or four of these lads stand up and become excellent first team players, will you then allow yourself to talk about them. Put your head back in the sand where it belongs.<br>

let me get one thing straight, i have nothing wrong with reserves coming in when the manager thinks that they are ready…but i dont think it is up to the fans to call the shots. just because Jim is manager of both (i think he still manages both doesnt he?)doesnt give the reserves an easy ticket to go leagues higher than their current standard where although they may be doing well doesnt mean that they have al;l the nessesary qualities to be in the first team…As for my experience of the reserves or youth teams i see them in the stands and all they do is shout random comments and wind up the players warming up…not a very proffesional image torepresent our first team

I have only seen the odd game this season but looking at the poor run of form of late and the fact the playoffs now seem out of reach. I think maybe some of the reserve lads should be given their chance as you never know what they could be like.

Ah! Akie, at last someone with common sense, why waste money on players that don’t have WITTON at heart. surely it is better to get 100% from players that WANT to play for us

I agree there Len. How many players have we had over the years who were only here for the pay packet?

Perhaps given we could have gone level 5th yesterday Jim?benny etc decided players who had played conference/conf nth football would be a more stable bet than some of the reserves? I remember he made a similar comment when we signed Tom fields for one game.<br><br>Having said that I think a couple of the reserve lads have shown more than some of the regular first teamers in recent weeks!<br><br>The officials shocking so I just thought I’d have a scan over the burscough report:<br>;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Very humerous - he asked Boswell after the match who had committed the foul? Assuming Boswell is being serious (he seems an honest chap doesnt he) WTF is he on about? Why not ask your linesman when it happened or even if u send the wrong one off dont just bloody leave it! Incredible - Mike you’d have been in your element!<br><br>Lets hope Tuesday is off, then we can have connors back - amazed no one mentioned how much we missed him yesterday - yet again thanks god he stayed!

Not the best result but we did play some good football.<br>Peers thoroughly deserved MOM, easily the best player on the pitch.<br>Referee made some bad decisions and was astounded when he booked one of our players before he even spoke to a Burscough player.<br>If the lads play like they did at times on Sat in the final, and if we all get behind them, rather than moaning about them, then we are in with a good shout of winning this competition.<br>A good referee would also help but it would be a miracle if that were to happen.

We did play some good football, but defended badly, the 3 at the back did not work, too slow and didnt seem to know how to play it eg getting stretched and leaving gaps made worse by full backs being awol attacking to much, peers was superb, but thought the rest were average at best ? but thomas is right lets get behind the lads and hope we can upset stalybridge tuesday.<br>I think the feeling for the reserves getting a chance is seeing players who cannot cut it in droylsden team getting a chance, and that some reserves have done well when selected - parkinson notably, for sure I would have much preferred to have seen a 4 4 2 v burscough with parkinson playing left back than a back 3 with burke playing who was the slowest and unfittest on the pitch, maybe he can get better with games but he was not worth his place on saturday ? <br>Finally we definitely missed Connors, hall was ok but too light weight, maybe he could play on the wing in the 442 shape ?

I think I have to defend the Reserves a little here and draw a line in the sand. Everyone of them has been a credit to Witton Albion this season. They have represented the club every week with great football on the pitch and excellent behaviour off it.<br><br>Every one of the squad who has played regularly has improved their game to such an extent that our position is beyond our start of season expectations. We have lost 2 from 23 league games drawing 6. We have beaten Poulton Vics who are one of it not the best team in the West Cheshire League<br><br>Jim has used the reserves to plug 1 or 2 game suspensions and short term injuries. For the young players in the Res this has been great experience. It proves there’s a path to progress if you take your chance.<br><br>However the part no-one has managed from the Res is to establish themselves in the first team. To do that they have to perform 8/10 9/10 at every opportunity to stay in the team before they can have a bad game. If they are honest with themselves and I include myself its no good doing just ok you have to perform.<br><br>What I think has happened this season is that Jim has brought the two set of players together, it feels like a club and not two teams. <br><br>Having said at this stage of the season Jim has to go for proven players at this level or higher whilst the club still has something to play for. Now is not the time to clammer for reserves to play in my opinion. That time will come when and if we have 10 dead end of season games where we can’t go up and we can’t go down.<br><br>It is a big step to go from Mid Cheshire 1 to Unibond<br>Prem and maybe it is too big a step for most but its upto Witton Albion to attract the best young footballers in a 25 mile radius so they give themselves the best chance of success in the future.<br><br>It would please me no end if next season someone from the Res breaks through gets a run of games and establishes themselves. better still earn the club a transfer fee. <br><br>It would please me even more if that breakthrough was to the 1st team playing in Conference North !![smiley=applause_smiley.gif] <br><br>Good luck to everyone at the club tomorrow and lets bring that cup back with us.<br>

i agree with the above post - sorry if i offended anyone about the reserves i was just trying to say that at this present moment i dont think it would be a great idea but for the future lets home we can bring some good talent in

I wonder if the person who is having doubts about us putting reserve team players in has changed his opinion in the light of Tuesday night’s cup triumph?

no, but do you feel the need to stir it up wheels…i would have thought that after tuesday night there better things to discuss, i admited i was wrong and apologised to anyone offended why doint u just leave it at that