Albion v. Osset

Won 4-2 :slight_smile:

Open game with both teams coming to play good football, credit to Ossett for that as the away team. They could and should have taken the lead with a breakaway from an early corner of ours, but our keeper made a super save! Apparently it was Ossett’s reseves from last season as their first team all left! And it showed really as The Albs took a 3-0 lead (Carl Clampett, Titch and Matty Wood). They got one back from a long range super strike which hit the bar and bounced down, absolutely no way it crossed the line mind! It was then squeaky “sir” alex’s arse time as they got another back in the second half…we had a few good chances with two that would have been easier to score than to miss!! But The Albs prevailed 4-2 with a very well worked late goal!! Come on the Albiooooon!!

Sad to have missed it but great to hear Matty Woods is still with us.

Witton team:

Matt Cooper, Anthony Gardner, Matty Wood, Ben Harrison, Paul Booth, Ollie James, Josh Hancock, Carl Clampitt, Liam Newman, Alex Titchiner, Danny Andrews.

Subs: Matt Woolley for Anthony Gardner(13mins), Dean Ennion for Ollie James(56mins), Mark Buchan for Liam Newman(65mins). Jamie Harrison & Shaun Weaver not used.

Scorers: Carl Clampitt(6mins), Alex Titchiner(31mins), Matty Wood(40mins), Mark Buchan(87mins).

Opening day win against a very lively Osset team.

Great attendance ,that i did not predict.

Stuck in Widnes today,working,but by all accounts it was a very entertaining game.

Eat ,drink and be merry but lets learn to bite our lip,because our nearest and dearest are at the helm.

As Churchill said after El Alamein, “It’s not the end, it’s not even the beginning of the end, but it is the end of the beginning.” Well done Pritch and the lads, “Onwards and Upwards.”

For their first goal i was stood on the fence outside the club shop, and from where i was it was over the line. I agree that the assistant had no right to give it from his position, but it was a goal and i didn’t like to see the reaction from the manager and players to it (Gary Finley-esque). It was given; just get on with it.

Great display from Titch, Woods, Booth, and Clampitt.

Some excellently taken goals, and if we can get our wide men involved a bit more than yesterday, then we look like creating a lot of chances in every game.

Very entertaining game, credit to both sides I would hope tho that when we go up 3-0 next time we can keep it a bit tighter, agree with robbo on the star men also thought ben had a good game and we missed gardner when he went off injured, was suprised to see dean ennion replace olly james but it seemed to work and it added a bit of energy, and buchan looks a lively player and took his goal superbly, and yes a good buzz about the place, lets hope they all keep coming and bring a mate with them next home game.

Good game, good attendance, hope everyone enjoyed it? We missed some chances which really should have be scored but so did Osset! Their second goal came from a diabolical refereeing/linesman decision giving Osset a throw in which definately was incorrect. Some of our players were still arguing when they scored, a lesson to be learned, just get on with the game, the boys in black ain’t goin to change their mind! SBL

I think Ollie was replaced because he was getting close to being sent off. He was having a battle royal with their No 8 Adam Hayton, who I think was a class act. Hayton had returned from playing in Autralia, where he was voted the 2nd best player in Western Australia. He is trying to re-build his career here in the UK, following a family bereavment, and was the scorer of their long distance goal, right on half-time.

I really enjoyed yesterday. I think we have a young team all working hard for each other and the management are at one. That solidarity is becoming evident off the pitch as well, which bodes well for the future. Harder games to come, no doubt, but if we can build on this performance and spirit you never know where it might take us.

As for the game I thought we faded a bit in the last 20 mins (not a suprise for 1st game) and we needed some fresh legs in there to get us through. Good goals, fantastic cross from Matty for the 4th and some great individual performances too.

Well done all !!

Are we playing 5-3-2? Sounds like it with Matty Woods supplying crosses.

No WHS, not sure where you got that from, who would you have as the 5th defender in that line up? just because Matty is playing left back dosen’t mean he isn’t allowed over the half way line…we did actually play 1-8-2 in the first few minutes!! anyway a great game to watch well done also to Osset who never gave up, I agree with CJ (shock) to lose our established right back after ten minutes was a big blow but well done to Woolley for coming on and filling the gap, a great advert for this level of football, no one who was there could use that game as an exuse not to come again.

yes a very good performance, with a great result that was fully deserved against a good osset display. everyone who took to the pitch deserve great credit for their performances. a special mention for matty wood for being here rather than droylsden,but what a special goal he scored. i as a long standing wittoner am more than happy with this squad of players under pritch and mosely. good luck in the game at mossley.

Sorry I meant 3-5-2, everyone knows I am not good with numbers!!

WHS Dont think we will see 3 5 2 Pritch is a believer in 4 at the back, 3 sounds good in principle, but it is hard to work over a long period and teams can expose the space available down the sides and drag the 3 all over the place causing a loss of position and create chances, matt wood is good enough to overlap and create/score chances and imo he is only just getting the hang of it and why he is looking so effective this season so I think 4 at the back is the future.

Worked for Bobby Robson at the 1990 World Cup. You need quick fullbacks and a good, hard tackling central mid-fielder to make it work.