Albion v. Telford

Info from Radio Shropshire, via Telford forum :<br><br>0 - 0 half time, Albion well on top, had penalty saved early on, Telford keeper keeping 'em in it.<br><br>Good cup tie.

1 - 0 to the Albion.

1 - 1.

Finished 1 - 1.<br><br>Replay Tuesday.

A decent display by Albion who can consider themselves unlucky not to have progressed. Unlike last Saturday however we get a chance to put it right on Tuesday and no doubt a bit of gate receipts to boot.<br><br>Thought the goal was an excellent header by G Jones and given the defenders who were missing (back Tuesday) we looked pretty solid at the back.<br><br>All in all it has to go down as another very encouraging performance and a credit to the players and management at how we have picked ourselves up after the last couple of weeks - it could easily have been a lot worse!<br>Well done fellas - looking foward to Tuesday. [smiley=banane.gif]

What was the team?

kennedy, king, hughes,parkinson,latham<br>peers, maguire, connors, lee<br>mossley, grif jones<br><br>heard ben jones had an injury

Jones was there, but limping.<br>Foy came on as a sub<br>

Sorry to say …while having a pint …heard he,s off to Harrogate Town…(rumours :frowning: ) said it was Lincoln City…never mind…But some new lads have joined us and did well today…we work hard and got no joy out of the game, so GOOD LUCK 4 TUESDAY… :slight_smile:

Thought the performance in the first half was excellent and might of had the tie won by half time, but for an unbelievable display by the visiting goalkeeper.<br><br>Considering the players who were absent for one reason or another, I can’t see any reason why we shouldn’t still progress after Tuesday’s replay especially as we should have Pritch and Tom back for that.<br><br>In their absense, Hughesy and Parky handled things more than admirably in fact I wouldve given the man of the match award to Simon Hughes.

Thanks Derek, do you want to sponsor me… :smiley: Only joking. As most of the players know Mike Mossely only has to put a shirt on most days to win the MOtM award and it was one of those days on Saturday. Mike if you reading this , Did the wine taste bitter? I’m not knocking Mike, being the clubs leading goalscorer, a good ambassador and very loyal.(I’m a first hand witness to one or two fine performances over the years) :wink: However common consensus was that Jordan King was a clear motm. Jordan, I know that you try to get noticed with your bright boots , the fake tan, your dyed hair and the professional lookalike in the stand but to win a motm at Witton is only possible when he’s injured. I’m not saying save your energy until that day, I just mean get used to it ;D<br><br>Anyway Good luck to the lads for the replay. I’m confident that we can progress to the next round, especially judging by saturday’s performance which on most days would have been more than enough to see us into the next round.<br>

i cant believe there hasnt been a fan on yet wondering how the heck we drew with such a poor team as telford, might be a big club but they have one of the worst teams i’ve seen in the unibond for years. was grif jones or mark pears or andy lee injured? because my brain is still working over time to wonder why jim brought any of them off! i mean no one will argue that robbie foy is a bad player, and the new signings need games to gel, but we absolutely battered them in the first half, second half we started slow but were getting back into our full stride with the goal, an then he goes an takes off are two wingers and for me our best striker on the night off! just doesnt make sense, plus the fact he put 2 centre midfielders on the wings, and a young, light wieght up front. bizarre i say. we were lucky to hold onto a draw! feel sorry for the lads who run their balls off for jim then to add more pressure on them by changing a very good team. why dont other fans ask good questions an wonder why we lose games all the time in the last 10 miutes of the game.

sorr i meant ‘no will argue that robbie foy is a good player’ ha my mistake

goose surely no-one would argue that ADAM foy is a good player. Unless you are talking about ex liverpool reserve striker robbie foy, my apologies if you are.

Clearly a very big supporter when he dosen’t know Adams name, good performance from the whole team, excellent performance from Telfords keeper the only thing that stopped a very convincing win.

i apologise adam, was just reading in the paper about robbie, my brain got cross wired like most of the ‘true’ witton fans on match days. so people you do think jim was right in making substitues an those who came on to replace the other players are even decent!?! talk about how we didnt win the game, it doesnt matter how good of a game there keeper had, it was like he was unbeatable as we proved, why didnt we carry on pounding there box an goal with players an shots?

bjay wot a idiot u r i wa talkin 2ben jones n he didnt say anything bout any clube whr u got ur source frm must be good n it also proves that ur the person that is causin all the trouble on this site my advice 2ben leave this club dont value anything u av done 4them horrible set of people n if any1 wants 2no who i am ill be at telford n marine and my name is jeff smith thank you

You won’t be able to miss me I’m the one in green that should really be tucked up in bed ready for school in the morning, whoops I meant<br><br> u wont miss me i da one in gren dat shud be in ma bed redy for scuul in da mornin right…

lol…jeff from the stands …ill be there myself…so ill be looking 4ward to meeting you …to sort out who the SHIT STIRER IS…AS 4 BEN MOVING ON …if you were talking to Ben, He,s not tellin you the true story,so proof will be in the pudding if he plays tomorrow…in saying that , your agreeing he,s moving on…so were are you coming from [smiley=nono.gif] by the way…can you talk English its hard to understand DULARD LANGUAGE…