Alistair Brown

Just read on the unibond site that Alistair Brown has signed for alsager town ???

Hope not - sound young lad, with great potential, always gives 100% and has filled in at a number of positions.

Ally’s not really getting in with Liam and Tom there + with Hocky now back in contention together with the expected return of Mark Jones and Liam McGuire soon then will he ever.<br><br>Nice lad hope he does do well as he deserves to. Note also that Triston has gone to Alsager on loan to get valuable match practice.

Should of let Ali Brown go out on loan rather than letting him leave. He’s always looked a decent enough player whenever he’s got the chance. With a run in the side i think he would of done well.<br>Is it true he was the the son of ex Albion player John Brown?

Robbo - Different John Brown who’s his father.<br><br>Just to let you know the deal with Alsager fell through so neither Ally nor Trist have left. Both played for the Reserves today - they won 5-0, Trist & Frosty sharing the goals.