Alvin marooned!

Marine parted company with Alvin McDonald yesterday.

The curse of the “chairman’s full backing” strikes again…

16th March;

Alvin McDonald and Paul Leary have indicated a total commitment to continue to work together in order to improve results in the future and in the longer term.

I have not waned in my support of Alvin as our manager and he has my total support for the future.

6th April;

I have decided, in the best interests of Marine Football Club, that it is time for change.

When Chairman use terms like ‘commitment’, ‘longer term’, ‘not waned’, ‘total support’, then you know the writing is on the wall!

Managerless Marine, should we start to worry?:unsure:

We might do if GF & LC applied for the job !

Think Marine are a disgrace, thats the second time they have sacked a manager in errrrrrrrrrrrr about 40yrs! :wink:

He had needed a purple patch to avoid being marooned