Andy Barlow

Last week we ( Burscough ) put in a 7 day notice to sign our former player Andy Barlow. ;D <br><br>Has he been playing well?

Been playing alright but got edged out of the team by new signings King & Mellon.

Would be disappointed if he were to return to Burscough. Always given 100% for Albion but may not be first choice under the new management…

Not as well as when he first came and played under your old manager John Davison.<br><br>If it wants out, so be it. Wouldn’t want to be the team to stand in his way.

Re: Andy Barlow, The reason andy has to leave witton is purely due to work commitment having started his own business last year he now finding it increaseingly difficult to get to training on tues and thurs evenings he has enjoyed his time at witton and always gave 100% and wishes everyone at the club all the best for the future. [smiley=applause_smiley.gif]

good luck at burscough barls,ill see you around mate. :wink:


no thats me when i was on ?12000 a week at everton. :wink: [smiley=banane.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif]

;D [smiley=nono.gif]

if you wanna lend a tenner just ask,dont be shy. :smiley: :smiley: :wink:

Cheers Farls, all the best to you and the lads too :slight_smile:

Barlow, take it easy mate, your a good lad. Dont be doing any massive slide tackles on me when we play you. :wink:

Mr Barlow, i just wanted to wish you all the best mate. I really am going to miss your banter! But seriously mate i hope it all works out for you with Degsy

all the best barlow