Anne Conneely

Hi everyone, forgive me if you already know, but my Mum died suddenly at home on Monday evening from a heart attack. Some of you will be aware that she has been poorly for some time, but this was completely unrelated and quite a shock to us all.<br><br>If anyone would like to get in touch with the family, then please send me a PM.

Ed:<br><br>Your mum will be sadly missed around Witton (as well as in the family) - she was a treasure and, having known her since our footballing days on Chinkers and the friendly welcome she gave everyone when they called at your house - I can say that she is, as well as being a good Wittoner, a lovely lovely person.<br><br>Everyone:<br><br>I believe her funeral is on Friday 26 May at St Wilfrid’s Church at 1.15pm.<br><br>GE<br>

She will indeed be missed, I wish we had a lot more supporters like her.

She was a true Wittoner in every sense.<br><br>Andy L

Very sad news, Anne was what Witton is all about, A family club and she was certainly a big member of OUR family, condolences to all the family, Anne will certainly be missed

What terrible news.<br><br>Anne was a true Wittoner through and through.<br><br>Sorry I can’t be at the funeral to pay my respects.

Sorry to hear the news, Anne was a lovely lady who loved Witton and will be missed.

Sorry to hear the sad news. I have a lot of good memories of Anne over the years. She will be sorely missed. My thoughts are with the Conneely family at this time. Sorry I won’t be able to make the funeral as am having an op this week, but I will be thinking of you. <br>Damian Timmis. (Damo)

Another sad day for the club, my deepest sympathy to all the family, and really sorry Im in london and will miss the funeral.<br><br>Colin