Another Shocker

I have been away at Uni for a while so not been to any recent games. So can’t really comment on team performances.<br>But just on the subject of manager changes I would like to say I do agree with people about JD being negative. I think the problems starting in pre season when John didn’t really make a significant signing and adopted the attitude of ‘we will see who becomes available in time’ meanwhile people like Liam Watson at Southport and it pains me to say Benny Phillips at Leek had their squad assembled and decent signings made by the end of May!!!<br>In fainess to John I think he did ok last year he got us to a cup final and 5th in the league which was half decent. The problem is he hasn’t built on last year at all.<br>As far as sacking him goes I am not sure, to be honest I don’t think there are any decent managers available at the moment and I don’t want JD to be sacked just to apoint another pointless, out of his depth North -West counties manager who will be sacked in a year. <br>For me JD has got untill the end of the season to get us in the top six, if not then I think then it would be time to say sorry on your bike!!<br>Another thought is why not try a role reversal for a couple of games with Kingy picking the team and John acting as a advisor. The team looked a really decent side when Peter King was in charge for the game against Northwich.<br>One thing is for sure something has got to change and some players backsides need to be kicked to push us up the league.

We are not ready for Conference North, our gates are nowhere near high enough. If we sneak promotion through the playoffs we will be next years whipping boys and the gates will go down even further apart from the odd few against clubs that will bring decent away support. The only proper way is to climb this league to the very top and build up our support before we are ready for the next level. It will probably take a while but ‘you can’t run before you can walk’!!!

If we were to be in and around the playoffs and we started to play more attractive football then we will attract the crowds back.