Anyone notice a smell....

… in the air when returning to Northwich this afternoon?

Anyway I investigated a little further, apparently a former recent Witton manager was seen at the Marston’s Victoria Rented Stadium! That will explain the smell!

Wise choice to wait until every Wittoner is in North Wales before returning to the town!

We did play some of the best football that i have ever seen at Witton during his tenure.

Maybe that was because we paid out more money thyan we had to get him quality players? Our present Manager is working wonders on a shoestring, I know who I would want in my corner when the going gets rough and it ain’t Jim Vince

I wonder if Vincio was hobbling after any recent old war wound surgery? That man “had us over” with player contracts and when the chips were down his teams bottled it!! The man’s a disgrace!!

The lizards are welcome to “Lord Hiss”. :angry: