Ask Jim Vince

As a result of discussions between Jim Vince and a couple of Witton Albion supporters, we are delighted to now be able to provide Albion fans with the opportunity to directly quiz Jim on all things Witton.

From short corners to team selection, you can now put any questions that you feel should be answered directly to the manager.

Please E-Mail your questions to and Jim will endevour to answer these on a weekly basis.


This is a good idea, however, has the whole thing been thought right through:

  1. If results become poor and e-mails become abusive.
  2. If away supporters misuse the facility.
  3. On the internet one person’s obsessive behaviour can create a negative feeling that outweighs the positive outlook of all others.

One or two managers have gone as a result of direct internet/e-mail communication.

I’m sure Jim thought about all this, but worth mentioning.


I know Radcliffe have tried a similar thing which was on the forum - and had some sort of disclaimer about respectable comments etc.

Good idea whoever came up with it, enhanced communications between fans and management can only be a good thing.
I would hope that the e-mails will be checked and filtered before being passed onto Jim Vince to eliminate what has been mentioned above.
By the way where will the answers be published?

Excellent idea. Will hopefully mean questions are asked in a constructive manner instead of people just ranting on the forum!!

Thanks to everyone who has responded to this. Yes the emails will be monitored to ensure anything untoward is filtered out before Jim reads it. However, it is much easier for opposition fans etc to put abusive posts on here than it is to send abusive emails.

Depending on how much interest we get in this, them primarily the answers will be published on here on a weekly basis. If there are alot of good questions, then perhaps some of the answers may be published in the program.

Thanks again.

To make this facility less likely to be abused, I can easily set up a form on the main site for questions to be entered, which would have two benefits :

  1. the email address would not need to be published, at the moment spambots will pick it up as well as legitimate users.
  2. it can be set up so that the menu option only appears to registered users who are logged in.

AskJV, just let me know on here or by pm if you would like this set up.

Why would anyone wish to quiz Jim ? Could not see Fergie having an Ask Alex Ferguson Q&A facility !

2 Great Managers.