Attendance vs Telford

I am not sure if this is going in the right place - so apologies if the thread needs moving…

Telford (so far) have about 8 or 9 coaches booked for the trip with loads more likely to come by car so it looks like being a big gate (currernt predictions 1500-2000). Pass the word round to get to the game as early as possible and don’t wait til the last minute to get inside the ground.

Its going to be a busy night…

lets hope that weve got some extra bar staff on ;D

Just to add as Knutsfordian says:
get there early and try and make it as easy as possible for the people helping out on the night (stewards/tea bar staff etc) its not exactly run of the mill to have a gate like this is it!

Just wondering is there any chance we could beat the rentboys biggest home league gate of the season?

Neil, I think there is every possibility of us beating their biggest home league gate if we are to believe the numbers coming from Telford.