Bad break for ex Witton player Carl Frost

:frowning: From the Unibond League official website…<br><br>"Livewire Leek striker Carl Frost is out for the rest of the season after breaking his leg in the fourth qualifying round of the FA Cup at Halifax on Saturday. Frost was detained in hospital overnight and had an operation on Sunday morning to pin fractures to both bones in his lower leg. The former Crewe Alex (and Witton) striker had just returned to action following a five week lay-off recovering from a damaged hamstring and had been sent on as a substitute at the Shay in the 79th minute. This was his very first appearance in an FA Cup tie and it lasted only six minutes before he was caught with a great last-ditch challenge by Halifax skipper Denny Ingram. <br><br>Concerned players anxiously waived at the Leek bench for assistance and at first it was thought that Frost had aggravated his hamstring injury. However, it soon became clear that the injury was more serious when Blues? physio Dave Massey asked for a stretcher. The Leek striker was rushed to hospital and put in plaster before undergoing surgery the following morning at Halifax District Hospital when his broken fibula and tibia were pinned back in place. <br><br>Frost is expected to return home later this week to begin his recovery." <br><br><br>