Be mindful on Saturday....

Once again this coming Saturday a promotion has been run as part of the junior initiative with over 1000 flyers going out to local junior football clubs and also for the first time to local primary schools in Rudheath and Wincham. We also have our 1st external team acting as ball boys from Davenham Dynamos.

Can we therefore do our best to be on good behaviour around the family stand, and lets generally make a good impression with regards atmosphere etc for anyone who is visiting WP for the first time.

Onwards and upwards

Be mindful… but make some serious amounts of noise!

Great I agree but lets make the serious amounts of noise getting behind the team without four letter words coming into it and not chanting something daft about Gateshead. Ours is a great club and our fans have been great this season so lets keep up our reputation as a hospitable friendly club but one you dread going to because you know you will suffer a defeat at the hands of the best team in the league!!

How do i put my name forward to be a ballboy?? Just something i never got the chance to do as a kid… ::slight_smile:

Just make a hole in your trouser pockets Robbo ! ;D

Yes as much noice as possible! Im sure the atmosphere will be much different this week for a title decider!

Yeh Why can’t we get a bunch of over 50’s for ballboys I was never one, I’ll volunteer, TONEE over to you. Chad and Cyril in tracksuits. Come onthere’s loads of you out there.

Oui je pense que cela est une bonne idée me, mais nous aurions à avoir les bouteilles d’oxygon placées autour du sol. aussi comme les ramasseurs de balles font nous avons sous. ::slight_smile:

me, when does training start . ;D

Si Si Si amigos

I can arrange it if you like! :wink:

I’m up for it I look a complete wassock anyway and its coming up to my anniversary on 22/3/08. I went to my first Witton match on 22/3/58. My dad took me along to this most fantastic football ground. It was called "The Central Ground" I was 8 and dad had promised me a trip to go watch Man Utd but things were a little difficult about that time as it was just after the Munich crash. Because I kept on at him he eventually took me to see the team he supported all his life. The rest as they say is history and although I’ve got to own up to missing matches during this period I think I can truthfully say I’ve never missed a season. I’m sure there are lots of other fans who have been supporting much longer than I have. I know my big mate Tony Dean has, and Dave Leather seems to have been around for an eternity(sorry Dave!!). My other great mate CHAD senior must also have been at it longer than me too supporting I mean!!
Its also worth noting that a living legend sits within our midst most Saturday home games in the club afterwards. This man is another mate and also a living legend in the shape of Keith Higgins full back supreme and over 450 games for us. Keith is a fantastic font of great stories about the club and players of the distant,and recent past. This is what makes the club so great the characters, the proud tradition, and the great reputation we have as a friendly, family club. Basically thanks for a great fifty years Witton Albion and long may you continue. Apologies to all for this post but the club has been such a big part of my life and will hopefully continue to do so.

Cant we pencil (no not u !) in the game against Frickley,
of all the teams I would love to legitimately kick the ball back to would be them !

PS apart from Wittonese, I only speak Greeek


We could set a record here surely for the oldest average age of any set of ball boys?! :o

I can arrange somethingif you want?

I will sort you all out with a bottle of rola cola to at half time. :wink:

The Doc will need a team of paramedics standing by! ;D

Thanks to everyone who supported the offer this past Saturday - it resulted in our highest junior turnout of the season - by some margin!

Admittedly a fair few may have come from the neighbours and travelling fans but the figures suggest we’d probably have beaten the previous record anyway.