Benny Phillips





They are within touching distance of the top of the table, and in the play off positions.

I wonder if we will see an exodus of players from there now?

hmmmm and with a new Chairman recently being appointed at Mossley who knows. With all the various "employed tasks" he had at BPA then very strange timing etc., etc

Does that mean we’ll have a certain person turning up at Wincham Park again now?

On a positive note at least we are likely to see fewer Witton players leaving for Bradford from now on!

If by a certain person Picko you mean Benny, then only if he has £9 in his pocket and is prepared to face the criticism for his poaching techniques. I think he burnt a few bridges when he departed previously (especially with the fans). He made his choice and good luck to him but this is exactly the kind of thing that happens. Their Chairman pumped a load of cash in and when most people do that they set high demands. Take Rafa Beneath Us (although he has another temporary stay of execution after tonight’s result)!

I was thinking more along the lines of his assistant… :-X

Hopefully we will turn him away at the end of Chapel Street!!! :wink:

Trust you ain’t referring to Lee cos he was one of the "92 Legends" and is hopefully going to come along on April 4th.

All was not well at the end of last night’s draw…


Bradford Park Avenue manager Benny Phillips has left the UniBond League Division One North club following a crisis meeting with the board late on Monday afternoon.

Avenue are pushing for promotion and are five points off the top with a game in hand. However, they have stumbled just lately and have taken only one point from their last three games.

The eight dropped points would have seen them as league leaders and in the only automatic promotion place.

The parting of the ways still came as a huge surprise when the statement was published.
It read: "It is with great regret that the board of directors of Bradford Park Avenue FC, following discussions with Benny Phillips and his assistants, have parted company by mutual consent.

"The board would like to thank Benny and his team for their efforts so far this season and wish them all the best for the future. In the meantime Karl Lenaghan has been appointed as caretaker manager."

Former Bradford City youth Lenaghan is currently the goalkeeping coach at Horsfall Stadium. He is the senior member of the backroom staff now that Phillips (pictured) and his assistants Lee Coathup and Wayne Porter have all left.

Phillips said: "I am disappointed to make way but I fully understand the need the club has to get out of this league and I sincerely hope they do it this season.

"Bradford is a great club, I have had a very good time there and the fans have been wonderful.

"I always enjoyed the full backing of the board in my time and Bob Blackburn, especially, was very supportive.

"He and the club deserve success for the money and sheer effort they put in. I feel I have left a very good squad of players for my successor and I will continue to take a keen interest in their results."

Blackburn, the club`s chief executive who bought a controlling share in the club last year and has put a considerable amount of his personal money into the coffers ever since, was distraught to lose his ally.

"I’m very upset about the whole scenario," he said. "I have worked closely with Benny for over twelve months and he is a true football man and a lovely person.

"It is the hardest departure of anyone in my working life and I will genuinely miss him because we used to spend eight or nine calls speaking to one another every day of the week.

"I have learned a lot from him and I hope he has learned a little bit from me, but the decision has been made and we have to move on.

"We need to win this league, not wait for the lottery of the play-offs, and recent performances have suggested that we would struggle to win the title.

"We have got the players, we have got the infrastructure and we had to act now. If we get a fresh impetus now there is still time to go straight up. Karl is only a temporary measure because we hope to announce a new manager next week."

Blackburn has been negotiating the purchase of land to site a purpose-built ground for Avenue and is close to completing the deal.

He added: "I should be cracking open the champagne but that is secondary at the moment because of this business with Benny. It is a sad state of affairs and it has taken all the joy out it for me."

Blackburn, the club`s chief executive who bought a controlling share in the club last year and has put a considerable amount of his personal money into the coffers ever since, was distraught to lose his ally.

"I’m very upset about the whole scenario," he said. "I have worked closely with Benny for over twelve months [/quote]


Wasn’t Benny still on the Albion payroll 12 months ago?!

Park Avenue Plans for New Home 23/02/2008

After days of secrecy the location of Bradford Park Avenue football clubs new home has been revealed as Phoenix Park in Thornbury.

The 36-acre site is currently a golf course and leisure complex and has been up for sale for a price tag of £1 million.

It was announced on Friday that chief executive Bob Blackburn had agreed terms on the site and wants to create a 20,000 seat stadium as well as sporting facilities for the community. The stadium would be covered on all four sides with safe terracing behind both goals and include a conference centre, meeting suites and corporate boxes, allowing it to be hired out for concerts and events.

The rest of the site would be given over to indoor and outdoor Astroturf pitches, five-a-side pitches, tennis, as well as indoor and outdoor cricket pitches.

Mr Blackburn is to consult architects next week over the design and wants to incorporate solar power into the development. He hopes detailed plans will be ready to submit to Leeds Council planners - as the site is just the other side of the Bradford/Leeds authority border - within three months.

He told the Telegraph & Argus: "It is proposed to put a super stadium on the site with sporting facilities for the community, including outdoor and indoor training pitches and to create a home for our many academy teams and ladies team to train. We also want to create outside and indoor 3G pitches, cricket facilities and to put something back into my community - and of course a home for Bradford Park Avenue.

"A 20,000 seat stadium would also enable the team to grow into the football league. We are not letting the grass grow under our feet with this one."He said his company Kelvic Holdings, which has bought the site, is also to fund the building of the stadium, although he is hoping to tap into some Government funding and receive help from the Football Foundation.
Bradford Park Avenue has made their home at Horsfall Stadium since they won promotion to the UniBond League more than a decade ago.

And until the announcement this week they were part of plans to create a sports village at Odsal being masterminded by Bradford Council, which owns the Horsfall site.
The Councils executive member for regeneration Councillor Andrew Mallinson said he was surprised by the turn of events.

He said: "A decision had been taken to change the content of Odsal Sports Village which would see the Bradford Bulls and Bradford Park Avenue sharing the same stadium. We had drawn up plans with the architects to add extra changing rooms and reconfigure the stands.
"Obviously Bradford Park Avenue have been running a different set of plans and we haven not been kept informed. They could have indicated they were pursuing other avenues."
He said he was "miffed" by the revelations, but the sports village would still go ahead without the football club on board.

Mr Blackburn responded by saying: "I am a doer and they have been talking about the project at Odsal for 20 years. That is a non-starter before it got off the ground. We hope to have our stadium completed in two years."
The news comes in a week that has also seen the shock dismissal of Bradford Park Avenue manager Benny Phillips.

[Bradford Telegraph & Argus]

The guy may have wonderful plans for Bradford PA, but a 20,000 seater stadium is massive and the overheads would be crippling until they reached the football league and I can’t help thinking "where have we heard this before". That said if they can pull it off - good luck to them

What are they going to do with the other 19,565 seats??? With attendance figures averaging 435 this season the plans sounds crazy!!!

Leeds United and Bradford City are both very well supported, probably the best in their respective League One and Two, but I fail to see that even playing league football that BPA would use anything like this capacity. It only works of they are sharing this with the rugby league side but that seems to be part of a different plan.

Fisher are also looking at spending £35 million on a new stadium, currently they average 235!!

Even the lizards aren’t that stupid!!

All people involved with Football clubs are crackers, they have to be to get involved in the first place. Football must lose more money than any other sport. (Top Clubs excluded of course, but even they are totally reliant on TV money). But I thank God some people are crackers or football would die.