Bird Brains At Sky

Just seen brief highlights of "our tenants" game against Barnet at "home" on Sky Sports News. The two goals they scored wern’t very good (compared to Mr Byrne’s) (5-1 to the Albion), and it seemed thay were playing at The Drillfield ??? What’s going on there???

Not that daft at sky they know like us that you:-<br><br>"Always look on the Drill Field for **ite"

Didn’t show the 20 passes preceding our 2nd goal, magnifcant stuff against the best team outside the football league in England. As for Byrne, failure at Leigh, couldn’t cut the mustard in a proper league sunshine, shows what a bum side Lincoln are and what a pathetic standard you’re at. Keep watching the mighty greens on sky, the only way you’ll see your tinpot ground on the telly, problem is in less than 3 weeks it will all be over and you’re 3 year ?50k per season freebie is over. wafc RIP in 2 years.

Dream on Greenun, you won a game have you?

[quote]The two goals they scored wern’t very good (compared to Mr Byrne’s)[/quote]<br><br>We scored another 3 away at Exeter on Saturday - they also werent "very good" <br><br>Just thought you’d want to know…<br>

Familiar Northwicher - 2 inane postings. Exactly what point are you trying to make, that you think anyone on here would be the slightest bit interested in? [smiley=dunno.gif] [smiley=dunno.gif] [smiley=dunno.gif]

It appears a Witton fan brought the subject up in the first place.

Let me explain … I think you will find the original thread was regarding the misreporting, by Sky, of the venue for your home games.<br><br>This is obviously of interest to us.<br><br>We are not interested in V*** fans posting their results on here.<br><br>OK?<br>

Northwich 2 - 0 Leigh <br> [smiley=banane.gif]<br>We are stayin up said we are staying up!<br> [smiley=banane.gif] [smiley=banane.gif] [smiley=banane.gif] [smiley=banane.gif] [smiley=banane.gif] [smiley=banane.gif]<br><br>go on, admit it, you love it! [smiley=ranting.gif]

Many Congratulations [smiley=applause_smiley.gif]