A major setback descended on WP today as the new man who’d been intentified as the man to lead Witton into the playoff’s decided to stay put at his current club. This is a huge blow for the chairman who thought he’d got his man, maybe he will learn from this and realise Witton can’t always get what they want and maybe are not as big as an attraction he thought they were. Maybe the finances had something to do with the new man declining the offer, it is common knowledge that once Vics leave, the budget will have to be cut especially as gates are well below the budgeted figure of 300. One thing is certain the new manager will not be the 1st choice which always leaves that feeling of disatisfaction amongst fans.<br>

Paul Ogden turned the job down<br><br>Check out this link<br><br>

Well well well - that is interesting.<br><br>Never thought of him!!<br><br>Don’t really know much about him, but he’s doing a good job at Leek and seems to have lots of contacts from the number of players he signs.<br><br>Where next though??

Gerry Quinn for me.

I don’t know where anyone got the idea that the WAFC playing budget will have to be cut whenever our tenants move out. <br><br>For the record, the 2004/5 playing budget was set assuming that Vics would NOT be playing at Witton this season, 'cos at that time the incumbent directors at NVFC had not approached us to ask for an extension into this season. Being a well-run club, the budgeting process for 2004/5 started before last season had even ended.<br><br>Although it later became clear that Vics would be back for part of this season (at least), we did not increase the budget further. The increase for 2004/5 was/is to be funded by increased commercial activity and via the social club. Whether Vics play at Wincham Park or not is 100% irrelevant to this year’s budget. What is relevant is the number of prople who come through the turnstiles, sponsor games, advertise & so on. <br><br>Whatever reason Paul Ogden elected not to come to WAFC, it wasn’t budget cuts.

Just Vics fans kidding themselves into thinking that our budget will be cut.

It was made abundantly clear by MW at the fans meeting in the summer that the budget was set on gates of 300 and if they were short by the end of the year cuts would have to take place.So far gates are way below that figure so naturally one can assume that the budget will be cut by the end of next month. MW is a shrewd businessman, he will not spend more than what comes in and so far his principals are working. The budget will have to be cut!

The point being that, as our income is not derived from the turnstiles alone, it is the collective revenue from gates + sponsorship + bar + everything else that dictates whether or not things are on budget. There ain’t much point in bringing a new manager in and then cutting the budget.

How can any manager in non league turn down one of the most famous non-league clubs in the country? ???

Ask Paul Ogden!! I think your opinion about wafc being one of the most famous non- league teams in the country is also a fantasy.

[quote]How can any manager in non league turn down one of the most famous non-league clubs in the country? ??? [/quote]<br><br>Are you sure he’s who he says he is? At the rate Vics are releasing non league managers into the wild it’s becoming increasingly hard to distinguish them from ordinary members of the public.<br><br>Good enough response for ya, funny boy? Have another go. The second attempt quite often results in an improvement.<br>