Board Statement

It was with regret that the Board last night received the resignation of Phil Chadwick as Football Secretary to the Club.<br><br>A supporter, a loyal worker and above all a true Wittoner will be missed and the Board wish to place on record their admiration and thanks for the work Phil has done for the club for the past 25 years and in particular the past seven years.<br><br>The Board look forward to welcoming Phil next season and wish him a happy retirement.<br><br>If anyone is interested in taking over the role then they are asked to contact the Chairman.<br>

From one pensioner to another Mr C, all the best for the future, thanks for everything you have done for the club that the players and fans take for granted. I will no doubt bump into you in the near future, probably in what will be a crowded boardroom!

You will be certainly missed Mr Stats as you know everything there is to know about your favourite club<br>All the best in your retirement Phil<br>You will take some replacing

Many thanks for your efforts Chad<br>the Stelfox Awards was certainly a fitting tribute.<br>Well done.

Best wishes Chad - you have been an absolute credit to the name of WAFC - I reckon you’ll be a hard act to follow. <br>Are you hanging up the mike as well? Some may see that as not such a bad thing! Only joking!<br><br>Enjoy your retirement!<br>

All the best chad,put your feet up and light a cigar. :wink:

Chad, all the best mate. I havent come across a more switched on secretary than yourself, in all the clubs ive played for.<br><br>I still think youve got plenty of life in you yet, was suprised to see this to be honest.<br><br>As Farley said, get the Hamlets out and the slippers on !

Hope Phil’s still going to be more involved than just watching the game…our Alex isn’t that keen on going to Witton these days (hopefully just a phase) but he does enjoy the "man on the tannoy" who sometimes gets very excited.<br>Seriously it will be a well deserved break from all the admin but hope to see you down at WP for many years to come.

Todays guardian commenents if true - are disturbing ? thought phil was simply retiring ! if its because of events at the club what is going on - we lose far to many great serving wittoners because of personality issues and poor decision making, we all understand business decisions have to be made but you have to treat people in nthe right way surely in a mostly voluntary worker based club.

Yes it is resignation as opposed to retirement.<br><br>He retired from the bank a few years ago, with the intention of spending a number of weeks in Spain whilst continuing in the role of club secretary, while Pete Riley handled the day to day activities as Match Secretary.<br><br>Unfortunately with the current ridiculous situation with Pete not being allowed to work for the club, my fathers workload has increased to a level that he feels he cannot do justice to. <br><br>As with all Wittoners who take up official posts with the club (myself included). Our vision of commitment is sometimes different than that of others, and we don’t take kindly to being undermined when all we are doing is in the best interests of the club.<br><br>Phil is away at the moment (Unusually!!!) so these comments are mine not his.<br>

Very sad to see Chad had resigned, did a hell of a lot for the club and had genuine passion for Witton as well, as could normally be heard over the tannoy, and seen in the ground if it was all getting too much for him!! :)<br><br>Hope to see you back at Wincham Park soon though, and at the FA Headquarters of course!!

Are the supporters turning against the Board? Seems to be plenty of mutterings.

simple! it’s an ailment called blairitis!!!

No I dont think there is an anti board feeling, indeed there is a lot of respect for all the hard work some of them put in and the position now mike has worked so hard on in achieving from where we were, however I think the feeling is they sometimes lack respect and man mgt skills around the wittoners involved with the club- and we seem to upset so many.<br><br>Any other opinions ?

cj’s response confirms that there is a feeling that all the board do not have the full support of the supporters. <br><br>My view is that each board member has a role and works on that respective role, they all work so can only spend limited time on club work so lets get behind them and support them like we did. They have decisions to make and obviously some of the decisions which are made are not to the liking of everyone. <br><br>There are only three of the oiginal board members who took over when the club was in a mess, Mike, Paul and Rob. They all should be congratulated for there efforts in my opinion.<br>

Don’t believe in blind faith, never have, never will. If the board does a good job this week I will say well done, if I think they make a mistake next week I will say so. Thats the nature of the beast, the same as any job if you accept the pat on the back you must also accept the (porky) pie in the face… I agree with CJ there is no anti board feeling quite the opposite in fact, after several failed attempts to pick the right manager many supporters would have turned against a board. I don’t believe that has happened. Hopefully we at last have the team that can get us back up after far too long trying.