Brian Pritchard

Has anyone seen Brian Pritchard recently, either at training or at games? Has he disappeared?<br><br>To be honest, I dont even think that we have missed him in the team and have been performing quite well at the back. He will struggle in my opinion to get back in because one, he will no way be match fit for a month or two and I dont think he has the ability anymore.<br><br>Does anyone have an opinion on this or agree with me?<br><br>I know he has been at the club a long time, but maybe he should start looking at player management…

Brian Pritchard is at present on 2 weeks holiday (I thnk), I agree somewhat with what you say specifically with regard to his match fitness, but remember it is a long hard season especially thro the winter period and he is in my opinion a valuable member of the squad he could drop into the central defenders role with no problem, this would give more options to the management for midfield and defence with respect to injuries and loss of form that may occur.<br>Up to press I think the bench has consisted mainly of forwards.

Just for everyones information i was away on a 1 week break which i arrived back from late thursday night. <br><br>With regards to playing i would love to be and i have no doubt in my own ability at this level. <br><br>Having watched nearly all the games Gary and Andy are playing very well together. I have not had any fall out with the management (as some people have suggested to me)concerning this and as those of you who know me and have spoken to me throughout all the time here all i want is for Witton to be succesful no matter who is or is not playing. <br><br> Yes i am fustrated at not playing but all i can do is be patient in the current situation. You simply don’t drop players who are playing well.

Great to see you back Pritch and couldnt agree more with your comments regarding Gary and Andy.<br><br>Dont know how anyone could think those things about someone who has shown 100% loyalty to the club and whos commitment should never be in question.

we enjoyed our trip to burscough to cheer on the albion. southport didnt have a game tuesday night !<br><br>brian pritchard is a red, is a red, is a red, brian pritchard is a red, he hates northwich.<br>we sung it all the way home

Makes you want to, want to, … go out and kick a streaker or something! 8)

[quote]we enjoyed our trip to burscough to cheer on the albion. southport didnt have a game tuesday night !

brian pritchard is a red, is a red, is a red, brian pritchard is a red, he hates northwich.
we sung it all the way home[/quote]<br><br>Were you singing it in school this morning!! you sad scousers.

yer the swomp monster ate you really mate and you reapeared