Burscough & Spennymoor

Burscough Football Club ? <br>Press Statement authorised by Chairman Chris Lloyd<br> <br><br>Chris Lloyd has announced that he is standing down as chairman and director of Burscough Football Club, citing that the situation at the club had now become intolerable. As a direct result of Chris?s decision fellow board members Dave McIlwain, Stan Strickland, Andy MacGregor and Keith Crawford have announced that they will also be standing down as directors.<br><br> <br><br>?The actions of one director who refuses to act in accordance with the wishes of the board is undermining my position and placing the club in serious financial jeopardy as it is impossible for me to invest further in the club or invite others to invest while the situation remains like this,? explained Chris Lloyd.<br><br> <br><br>?The financial backing from myself and other directors this season has enabled the club to strengthen its wages budget and improve the team through the signing of striker Paul Gedman for example. It is particularly disappointing therefore, that when the team are playing so well and future prospects were looking so promising I am forced into this decision and I believe a great opportunity to move forward with everyone working together positively for the club has been missed. Like my fellow directors we all have personal responsibilities and unfortunately we will now have to withdraw our financial support for the club.?<br><br>----------------------------------------------------------<br><br>Moors on the Brink of Extinction <br><br>Last week, the very existence of Spennymoor United AFC in once again under threat as Club Owner Benny Mottram, announced on the clubs message board his intention to sever links with the club issuing this following statement., <br><br>"I would like to inform all concerned with Spennymoor United that it is my intension to severe my ties with the Club on Saturday 22/1/05.<br>I am however prepared to give some financial help to whoever succeeds me, I will also help in any way that I can to get the Club House re-built.<br>My reasons for leaving are as follows :<br>1 ) The ongoing situation with the Council, NO help in any way, only obstacles placed in the way, however I will prove that in legal terms the I am right & they are wrong.<br>2 ) The general apathy of the people of Spennymoor towards the Club<br>3 ) The lack of people willing to help out at the Club, everyone wants a team , but very few people are prepared to assist in the running of the Club on a daily basis.<br>In closing I would like to thank the few people who have tried to help me run the Club."<br><br>Mottram, was greeted as the clubs saviour at the beginning of the 2001-02 Season after the club was relegated for the first time ever in its long and illustrious history, following a torrid 2000-01 season fraught with financial troubles. Although on the field Moors secured promotion at the second time of asking following a successful 2002-03 Season, off the field, instability behind the scenes always threatened the equilibrium. Numerous changes in team manager, illness forced a number of long standing officials to quit the club, then in the early hours of Christmas Day 2003 a devastating fire completely wrecked the club house, robbing Spennymoor United of a source of revenue.<br><br>Moors were formed in 1901, as an amalgamation of Weardale Ironopolis and ?Spennymoor Town, but didn’t become Spennymoor United until 1904 when it was reformed as a new club following the aquisition of the now leased Brewery Field. <br><br>So, move on from 1904, 100 years in what should be a joyous celebration of Spennymoor United’s Centenary Season in 2004-05. Extinction, with the club folding now seems a very distinct possibility of this once proud and historic club.<br><br>Many well known players have graced the colours of Spennymoor United, Johnny Sphuler, Jackie Oakes, Johnny Dixon, Ken Chisholm, Dougie Humble in the 40’s and 50’s. Then as amateur’s with the likes of Bill Gates, Kenny Banks, David Curry, Aiden Davison, Steve Vickers and Michael Heathcote, as the club gathered recognition and top honours in the game.<br><br>The town would certainly not be as well known, had it not been for the football club as Spennymoor itself would lose an ambassador for the town. It would be catastrophic for the town and local non league football in general, if the turnstiles failed to click, the terraces fell silent of chanting supporters and the dressing rooms no longer resounded to the clattering of football boots. <br><br>Major help is required immediately if the club is to survive what can be described as, "Its Darkest Hour."<br><br> Shows just how fragile a football team can be!!!<br>