Burscough News

Burscough go into tommorows Unibond Premier Division fixture at Witton Albions Wincham Park with one or two absentees.<br><br>Unfortunately Ciaran Kilheeney will miss the game having pulled up with injury late in the Radcliffe Borough game last Tuesday. He is however expected to be back for the Grantham game a week on Saturday.<br><br>Tony Mcmillan, Chris Price and David Eaton will also miss the trip, both Tony Mcmillan and Chris Price will be sidelined for several weeks yet. <br><br>Better news comes in that Mike Tomlinson returns to the squad following injury but is not expected to start, Neil Fitzhenry is also available having missed the Radcliffe game. Latest signing, goalkeeper Tim Dittmer is added to Liam Watson`s squad and is available for selection. <br>

We should have a number of children from Witton Juniors and Davenham visiting Wincham Pk for the first time tomorrow.<br><br>Could I ask supporters to give extra consideration to these young ears and their families when supporting the team vocally tomorrow.<br><br>TA<br>

It’s ok, Tim Green can’t make it anyway…<br><br>On a footballing note, let’s get 3 points tomorrow and try and climb back into the play-off places and stay there for the next few games. About a quarter of the season gone already, so as long as we stay in touching distance of the front-runners, then anything is possible!!!

Any news from Witton about injurys etc…

Good luck to Jim and the lads.<br>We can’t make the game but we’ll be at Mossley.<br>Let’s get another three points and avoid any more injuries.<br><br>What are the chances of getting a half decent ref who knows the laws of the game,can keep time and actually watches what’s going on?!!<br>Maybe that flying pig that went past just now will dump it’s load over the canal!