Car Boot Sale

Car Boot Sale
Witton Albion FC
Sunday 25th October £5 pre booked or £6 on the day. Hard standing. Hot food and drink available. To book ring 01606 43008
Graham Pickering Wincham Park Chapel St Northwich Cheshire

A copy of the add I have put in the Guardian and the buy/sell if everyone could spread the word. We may be having a Witton stall if people would like to donate a few things, all proceeds from this stall going to the football club.


We are having a Witton Albion stall - so if anybody has got any antiques sitting their attics or garages please donate. See me at the turnstile if u can donate anything worth selling.

Eli, have you become an antique expert?

Eli IS an antique

Had 3 lots donated already but we need more please !

Just a reminder about the car boot on Sunday, Eli is doing a witton stall so you can still bring down any jun… antiques you may has hidden away and raise a few pounds for a good cause!

Kids at school think I’m an antique!! I will have a look around to see if I have anything you might be able to seel.

Grand total of £82.25 raised today at the the Car Boot. Thanks to all who donated their jun…antiques !

Quite a small turn out of sellers so very little money made on that side of things, Eli ‘DelBoy’ Gorton did a grand job in his Grotto and Pete Jepsom did ok on the Bacon butties, very kindly making a donation to the club. Thanks for everyones support. Next event is a 70’s music quiz run along side the youth section, date to be confirmed but looking at the end of November.