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Pat Alford(Carls Uncle)
Great player. I still have his shirt from the 92 wembley season! I was only 9 at the time and it was massive! Problaly too small for me now!
Memory of carl - probably had the best shot and scored the most spectacular goals in ratio terms for any witton player i remember - maybe mark edwards was the next closest ? but i may have forgotten someone ?
Well, memory plays tricks and i haven’t got the stats to hand (Chad’s the man for that) but I don’t remember Carl as being that prolific.
I would have thought that if we’re looking at goals/appearances ratio then the likes of Trevor Ogden,Johnny Walker & Karl Thomas must be up at the top?.
You are right semi pro.
Carl played a lot for Witton midfield.
Got his first real chance against the Vics,Paul Cuddy had to withdraw and Carl was drafted in as Centre Back,scored a header(you tube)and more or less then stayed in the side.
In the top Conference scorers and Wikapedia his goals totals for both Witton and Macc are never shown.On leaving Albion Mike McKenzie did not seem to rate him.
I would really like to see those stats.
Anybody got tapes /discs of his Witton goals.Want to put them on my channel.
Currently Carl is doing his final appraisal for his UEFA badge.
Watch out for his Son Rhys who I think will follow in his footsteps.
There will be footage somewhere of his halfwayline goal v Marine in the 92 trophy semi.
I’ve seen that goal on YouTube a couple of months back
Sorry now edited my post meant spectacular really not prolific- rushing on my break.
New Web Site now launched.Will be ploughing through tons of tapes and material so will be updating the site on a regular basis.
Now at:
Don’t keep us in suspense manju.