Cheshire FM Football Phone In

For 3 weeks our very own Greg Marshall has been hosting the Phone In. Each week he’s posted on the board who will be joing him on the phone and who will be in the studio (or asking people to join him in the studio!). He’s asked us to ring in or text our questions to Cheshire FM and truly pushed the phone in.

This bloke Westland stands in and what happens? We have no idea who will be on tonight, who is in the studio nor what the main topics will be… I reckon he’ll blame not posting this info on here on "work commitments" ::slight_smile: :wink:

Seriously though, just wondering who you’ve got on the phone and who’s in the studio?

Don’t want to divulge too much info about tonights show but having spoken to the rabbit, a certain former player with the initials MM will be live on the phone. I’m pretty sure Jim will be on too, as well as a controversial guest from Witton’s past…

I think there will be a certain theme to tonight’s show…